PCG Quiz on Sunday # 03: From Mario to Mortal Kombat

PCG Quiz on Sunday # 03
Week 3 of our big quiz about the world of video games is about: The PCG quiz on Sunday # 03 is here, and that means that there are again 15 questions waiting for you to be answered. We don't leave out any subject area, from curious facts to long-forgotten consoles, PC topics, console knowledge and everything related to it, absolutely everything is included. It is important to know about Super Mario as well as about the Master Chief or Mortal Kombat. You are constantly researching games, are you practically at home on pcgames.de and you also remember the most nonsensical details from ancient games? Then prove it and put your knowledge to the test! So far nobody has posted under the previous quizzes that they could answer all questions correctly - is it time this time?(function (t, e, s, n) {var o, a, c; t. SMCX = t.SMCX || [], e.getElementById (n) || (o = e.getElementsByTagName (s), a = o [o.length-1], c = e.createElement (s), c. type = "text / javascript", c.async =! 0, c.id = n, c.src = "https://widget.surveymonkey.com/collect/website/js/tRaiETqnLgj758hTBazgdwrHNJd5WrMK_2FzHAx4JH8MZg2MWR.QFZHAx4JH8MZGlode. a .insertBefore (c, a))}) (window, document, "script", "smcx-sdk"); Create your own user feedback survey. At this point it should be said again: The Internet is a great place with answers to almost all questions. However, we would advise you not to google it straight away, but just give it a go if you don't know an answer or don't know for sure. And don't forget to tell us how you did in the comments below this article! How many of you can do the full 15/15? If it doesn't work this time, then maybe it will succeed in the coming week - and if you've just stumbled upon the quiz and want to puzzle even more, then try the questions from last week!
The PCG -Quiz on Sunday # 01
The PCG Quiz on Sunday # 02
You like strange facts, not just about video games? Then we recommend our podcasts The Nintendo Podcast, Games-Aktuell-Podcast, play-Podcast, buffedCast, PCGH Podcast and Heim Kino, our brand-new film and series podcast, where we regularly digress and besides the actual topics about the stranger aspects of the Gaming and chatting to the world itself. Have fun!