Monday: the day dedicated to the great poet Dante Alighieri

On March 25 of each year, Dantedì is celebrated, the day dedicated to the great poet Dante Alighieri. The Danteists recognize on this day the beginning of Dante's journey into the afterlife told in the Comedy. Today, all over the world, there are many celebrations to remember and honor the Poet and Italy is in the front row: at 19.10 at the Quirinale there will be the homage of Roberto Benigni live on Rainews24 and This anniversary was established by the Council of Ministers, on the proposal of the Minister of Culture, Dario Franceschini just last year, in 2020. This year, however, the celebrations for Monday take on an even greater symbolic value, precisely because there we find ourselves living in Dante's anus par excellence, seven hundred years after the Poet's death in 1321.According to the statements of the Minister of Culture Dario Franceschini, “Dante is the very idea of Italy“. This reflection takes place in the light of what Dante did for the birth of the Italian language, even from the linguistic treatises ante litteram, we are obviously talking about the De Vulgari Eloquentia, and not only about the Commedia, which obviously has the distinction of being the first work poetics to have been written in "Italian", or late 1300s Latin, if you prefer.
"The Dantedì allows us to revive every year the memory of the Poet, whose memory is vital for the very survival of our national identity", said Professor Carlo Ossola, awarded the prestigious task of coordinating the celebrations for Dante's year and hopes that by the end of the school year the Ministry of Education will be able to give each student a copy of the Divine Comedy. Even the President of the Republic Mattarella, celebrates Dante Alighieri by supporting the greatness of the contents of his universal and timeless poetry, which aims to show the vices and virtues of the human being, true yesterday and true today, also because: it attracts, fascinates us, still questions us today because it speaks to us about us. Of the deepest essence of man, made up of weaknesses, falls, nobility and generosity ".
The celebrations for Dante's year obviously do not end today and will continue for the next few months. In this regard, we invite you to visit the website of the Ministry of Culture on the page dedicated to Dante Alighieri at this link.
We invite you to purchase one of the best editions of the Divine Comedy at this link.
Francisco to be sworn in Monday as Cheyenne police chief
CHEYENNE – Mark Francisco will be sworn in as chief of the Cheyenne Police Department on Monday.
City employees and members of the media are invited to attend a brief swearing-in ceremony at 9 a.m. in the community room at the Cheyenne Public Safety Center, 415 W. 18th St. A livestream of the event will be available for public viewing on the CPD Facebook page.
Francisco comes to Cheyenne after 30 years of service with the Kansas City Police Department, most recently serving as deputy chief of the Investigation Bureau. In that role, Francisco managed and led 349 employees within four divisions: violent crimes, narcotics and vice, property crimes and the law enforcement resource center.
Prior to that role, Francisco served as deputy chief of the Executive Services Bureau, and was responsible for an annual budget of $256 million and 1,920 members. His tenure with KCPD also included four years as a major, 15 years as a captain and 10 years as a sergeant.
Francisco served as a first lieutenant in the United States Army Reserves from 1987 to 1997, and earned a bachelor’s degree in Criminal Justice Administration from Central Missouri State University in 1987. He holds additional training from the Senior Management Institute for Police and the Police Executive Leadership Institute.