Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War: Update With New Moshpit Playlist And More

Call of Duty Black Ops Cold War
Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War players can look forward to another update for the shooter today. Shortly after the start of Season 2 a few days ago and the new content published for it, the update this week is a bit smaller.Nevertheless, the "Rapid Fire Moshpit" playlist will be available from March 4th very fast variant of the shooter to choose from, in which players hardly have time for a break. On the smallest playing cards of the title (Apocalypse, Nuketown '84, Crossroads Strike, Raid, Express and Garrison) participants will compete against each other in a game mode mix of Team Deathmatch, Domination, Kill Confirmed and Hardpoint. During the game, the location of all players is permanently displayed on the minimap. The waiting time between matches has also been shortened to get you back into the action of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War (buy now € 53.99) faster.
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Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War - Patch Notes Update (March 3, 2021)
Combined ArmsAdjusted Zone Capture time in Combined Arms Assault.
StabilityAdded various stability fixes for issues with Objectives, Jump Pads, Krasny Soldat, and the Dragon Relic. Fixed a crash that could occur when killing a Megaton HVT during the Elimination Objective. Gameplay
The Eliminate Objective no longer removes additional enemies between HVT jumps to better balance difficulty with other Outbreak Objectives. Addressed an issue with zombies pausing or pathing incorrectly to the holdout objective. Addressed an issue where the Krasny Soldat's flamethrower attack would not deal damage under certain circumstances. Addressed an issue where the flashlight would stay on after spectating during the holdout objective. Perks
Addressed an issue where Tombstone Soda could cause the player to fall out of the gameplay space in Golova, Alpine, and Ruka. Support
Addressed an issue where the Chopper Gunner could fly out of the gameplay space after multiple uses.
Addressed an issue where Ray Gun splash damage could break all Armor if the player had Jugger-Nog Tiers III, IV, and V.Field Upgrades
Addressed an issue where Healing Aura incorrectly gained the benefit of Quick Revive's Tier IV ability. Source: Charlie IntelRead also PC PS4 XBO 0