Animal Crossing New Horizons: All Bunny Day Recipes and Easter Eggs

Animal Crossing New Horizons
Animal Crossing: New Horizons Bunny Day celebrations are in full swing this year. Just in time for the time change (read here what you can do with the new cherry blossom resources), Rabbit Ohs visits you on the island and invites you to search for lucky eggs. Between March 28 and April 4, 2021 you will take part in the Bunny Day event and get lucky eggs. In our guide we provide you with tips on all the locations and all recipes for items such as furniture and clothing. Talk to Bunny Ohs for an explanation of Bunny Day and some initial instructions: the Bunny Day bed. Reading tip: Identifying real or fake works of art in Animal Crossing New Horizons.Reading tip: Beet trade - Buy, sell, store beets - Tips
Table of contents
1 bunny day in Animal Crossing: Find lucky eggs 2 lucky air eggs 3 lucky earth eggs 4 lucky water eggs 5 lucky rock eggs 6 lucky lucky eggs 7 wooden lucky eggs 8 Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: Location of all recipes 9 Bunny Day recipes from Ohs 10 Bunny Day recipes from Balloons and from egg bottle message 11 Bunny Day recipes from neighbors 12 Bunny Day recipes for clothing Expand Recommended editorial content Here you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. Reading tip: All fossils including price list for AC: New Horizons at a glance.To make the new objects whose recipes you will receive, you have to collect the lucky eggs hidden all over the island. You can get the six different types as follows:
Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: Find Lucky Eggs
Air Lucky Eggs
Keep an eye out for balloons. You can tell from the wind noise whether something is floating nearby through the air. The Easter balloons (with a colorful striped pattern) can contain bunny day instructions or air lucky eggs. Also interesting: Get rid of unwelcome residents in Animal Crossing: New Horizons.Earth lucky eggs
Keep an eye out for the typical cracks in the ground. Every day there is more of it than usual, because in addition to the daily fossils, you dig up lucky earth eggs in these places.Lucky water eggs
The eggs float in the water and see fish confusingly similar. If you fish normally, you will inevitably regularly pull lucky water eggs from the river, sea or pond.Lucky rock eggs
In the event period up to April 12th, not only do rocks contain rocks Ores, stones and clay, but also rock eggs. So push all the stones every day to get as many eggs as possible.Foliage lucky eggs
Trees without fruit now have deciduous eggs, three per tree. You harvest them just like any other fruit: Shake the tree and collect what falls down.Wooden lucky egg
These eggs are hidden in the wood of the trees. Work the trunks with the ax and collect the eggs - however, as with the rocks, your yield does not only consist of the lucky eggs, you also get different types of wood as usual.On the beach you will find special ones during the event Message in a bottle. Source: Computec Media GmbH You need the eggs to make all the items whose recipes you will receive during the event days. If you manage to create 18 different instructions, Ohs will give you two special gifts on top of that. Note that you cannot receive instructions and lucky eggs outside of Bunny Days! If you are missing lucky eggs of a certain type on the last day of the event, you can exchange other eggs for them at Ohs, in a ratio of three to one. Tip: You can also find and collect lucky eggs on the islands that you visit with a mile ticket!
Bunny Day in Animal Crossing: Location of all recipes
Within the twelve days from April 1st you can find tons of Bunny Day recipes. To receive the special reward from Ohs, you have to create 18 recipes and then talk to the rabbit on Easter day (April 12th). For crafting all furniture and decorative objects (clothes, Easter crown and Easter basket excluded) you need a total of 130 eggs: 21 water lucky eggs, 21 air lucky eggs and 22 of the other types. You can find recipe names and costs in the list.There are also outfits and accessories with a lucky egg theme. You can also find these in the list.
Bunny day recipes from Ohs
Bunny day bed (on the first day or by letter) 1x air lucky egg1x earth- Lucky Egg
1x Lucky Water Egg
1x Lucky Rock Egg
1x Lucky Leaf Egg
1x Lucky Wooden Egg
Bunny Day Archway (on April 12th) 2x air lucky egg
2x earth lucky egg
2x water lucky egg
2x rock lucky egg
2x leaf lucky egg
2x wooden lucky eggs
Easter basket (swaps six types of lucky eggs at Ohs on April 12th) Wobbling Ohs toy (after you've made all the Bunny Day recipes for decoration and talked to Ohs) 4x air -Luck egg
4x earth lucky egg
4x water lucky egg
4x rock lucky egg
4x leaf lucky egg
4x wood - Lucky Egg
Bunny Day Stick (after you have made the Ohs toy and speak to Ohs) 1x wobbling Ohs toy
3x star splinters
Bunny Day recipes from Balloons and messages in a bottle
You can get these recipes either way; Balloons appear more often than egg messages in a bottle on the beach. Sometimes Easter balloons also contain air lucky eggs instead of recipes. You differentiate the two Bunny Day versions from the standard versions by paying attention to the color pattern: Easter message in a bottle and balloons have a colorful striped pattern.Bunny Day wall clock 3x air lucky egg
Bunny day wallpaper 2x air lucky egg
2x earth lucky egg
2x water lucky egg
2x rock lucky egg
2x leaf lucky egg
2x wooden lucky egg
Bunny day cupboard 4x rock lucky egg
Bunny day fence 1x air lucky egg
1x earth lucky egg
1x Lucky Water Egg
1x Lucky Rock Egg
1x Lucky Leaf Egg
1x Lucky Wooden Egg
Bunny Day Stool 3x Lucky Water Egg
Bunny day table 4x earth lucky egg
Bunny day dressing table 4x leaf lucky egg
Bunny balloon decoration A 1x air lucky egg
1x earth lucky egg
1x leafy lucky egg
bunny balloon decoration B 1x water lucky egg
1x rock lucky egg
1x wooden lucky egg
Bunny-day ground 2x air lucky egg
2x earth lucky egg
2x What ser lucky egg
2x rock lucky egg
2x leaf lucky egg
2x wooden lucky egg
Bunny tag garland 1x air lucky egg
1x Lucky Earth Egg
1x Lucky Water Egg
1x Lucky Rock Egg
1x Lucky Leaf Egg
1x Lucky Wooden Egg
Bunny day carpet 1x air lucky egg
1x earth lucky egg
1x water lucky egg
1x rock lucky egg
1x leaf lucky egg
1x wooden lucky egg
Bunny day lamp 4x wooden lucky egg
Bunny day door wreath 1x air lucky egg
1x earth lucky egg
1x Lucky Egg
1x Lucky Rock Egg
1x Lucky Leaf Egg
1x Lucky Wooden Egg
Bunny Day Recipes from Neighbors
You can only get these recipes from roommates on your island. They will call out to you and run towards you if they have instructions ready for you.Bunny Day Backpack 1x Air Lucky Egg
1x Earth Lucky Egg
1x Water Lucky Egg
1x Lucky Rock Egg
1x Lucky Leaf Egg
1x Lucky Wooden Egg
Bunny Day Crown 1x Lucky Air Egg
1x Earth lucky egg
1x water lucky egg
1x rock lucky egg
1x leaf lucky egg
1x wooden lucky egg
Bunny Day Recipes for Clothing
The instructions for Bunny Day clothes come to mind when you collect lucky eggs. From a number of ten lucky eggs of one kind you will get a corresponding idea. These clothes don't seem to be among the items that you have to craft in order to receive the two special Bunny Day instructions from Ohs. So first prioritize the manufacture of the furniture if you are keen on the special items from Ohs.Air Lucky Egg Set Air Egg Shell (headgear): 2x Air Lucky Egg
Air- Lucky egg outfit: 3x air lucky egg
pair of air and egg shoes: 2x air lucky egg
Earth lucky egg set Earth egg shell (headgear): 2x earth lucky egg
Lucky earth egg outfit: 3x lucky earth egg
Pair of lucky earth egg shoes: 2x lucky earth egg
Water lucky egg set Water egg shell (headgear): 2x water Lucky egg
Lucky water egg outfit: 3x lucky water egg
Pair of water egg shoes: 2x lucky water egg
Lucky rock egg set Rock egg shell ( Headgear): 2x lucky rock egg
lucky rock outfit: 3x lucky rock egg
pair of lucky rock egg shoes: 2x lucky rock egg
leaf lucky egg Leaf-eggshell set (headgear): 2x leafy lucky egg
Leafy lucky egg outfit: 3x leafy lucky egg
Pair of leafy egg shoes: 2x leafy lucky egg
Wooden lucky egg set wooden eggshell ( Headgear): 2x wooden lucky egg
wooden lucky egg outfit: 3x wooden lucky egg
pair of wooden egg shoes: 2x wooden lucky egg
lucky egg party hat ( is unlocked when you have completely learned all six lucky egg outfits) 2x air lucky egg
2x earth lucky egg
2x water lucky egg
2x rock lucky egg
2x leaf lucky egg
2x wooden lucky egg
lucky egg evening dress (unlocked when you have fully learned all six lucky egg outfits) 3x air lucky egg
3x earth lucky egg
3x water lucky egg
3x rock lucky egg
3x leaf lucky egg
3x wooden lucky egg
You have a lot to do with looking for lucky eggs. If you're looking for more things to do in April, take a look at our list of all the insects and fish you can catch in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (buy now $ 46.25) in April. Good luck and have a nice bunny day!