The Suicide Squad, filming finished: James Gunn had total creative freedom

About six months after the DC FanDome trailer, The Suicide Squad is therefore complete and we imagine that at this point only the very important post-production work is missing for the film to make its debut in theaters and / or on the HBO Max platform.
"Filming on The Suicide Squad is over and I can say that I made every single decision regarding the project myself," Gunn said of the creative freedom he was given by part of the producers.
"They gave me very few suggestions, generally valid but of secondary importance: I could accept them if I liked them, otherwise reject them. From a creative point of view, Warner Bros. was extraordinary air. "
In short, it seems that the company has profoundly changed after the controversies related to creative interference during the filming of Justice League and the first Suicide Squad, which have been reworked several times on the basis of Warner Bros. br>
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