StazioneP: the robotic sandwich shop Made in Italy

Among the many transformations that the complex and certainly not simple 2020 has brought with it, some have affected the food and catering sector with a sudden and important increase in the business linked to food delivery operations, driven by distancing measures and by the restrictions imposed on travel. There are those who have made a virtue of necessity, giving life to structured activities in order to meet new needs, pushing on the innovation pedal. The reference is not only to the already consolidated realities, but also to those of new formation, the startups if we want to use a term so popular to indicate the entrepreneurial realities that are born today. Among these there is also StazioneP, working on the project of the same name.The robotic sandwich shop: the idea StazioneP
His focus, however, is not on deliveries, but on what comes first , food preparation. To better understand what it is, we refer to the definition coined by the team: robotic sandwich shop. The idea is to create a system capable of managing all the stages that lead to the creation of the finished product, ready to be consumed. In any case, the goal is not to eliminate the human factor from the equation: the intervention of an operator will be necessary to ensure that everything works properly, to load the raw material and for cleaning.The development of an application is also planned through which you can order and customize the desired sandwich, then choosing whether to collect it on site or ask for home delivery, at the office or elsewhere. The startup also plans to rely on the food delivery circuits already present in the area.
StazioneP is a robotic sandwich shop, with the distinctive character of carrying out the sandwich preparation process in a completely automated way. The resulting benefits range from the speed of execution to the freshness of the product. The goal is to produce and install the machinery inside the nerve centers of transit such as airports, stations, etc.
It is therefore intended for public and transit spaces such as railway junctions, airports and hospitals just to name a few. The initiative is now in its early stages of development, approaching investors interested in financing it so that they can move on to prototyping and finally to actual implementation. To this end, it aims to attend the Dubai Expo.
The longer-term goal is to create a real franchise. The feasibility is certified by examples from overseas as in the case of the Creator robot that takes care of preparing burgers.
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A team of four professionals with different and complementary previous experiences are working on the project: some in engineering, some in robotics, some in business management and who in the restaurant business. The chosen location is Milan, the Italian capital of startups. To follow the evolution of Stazione P, please refer to the official website and its social profiles (Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn).
Source: StazioneP