Rian Johnson is still working on his Star Wars trilogy

The director of the much-criticized The Last Jedi is planning a trilogy with Lucasfilm, which has been confirmed again. But before he can see it made, he will have to shoot the sequel to the acclaimed mystery Dinner with Crime - Knives Out
Rian Johnson (photo: Wikipedia) Few films in recent years have been criticized as Star Wars: The Last Jedi. Directed by Rian Johnson, the second chapter of the ambitious sequel trilogy of the great Skywalker saga, according to many it threatened to bury the entire film series with unacceptable stances (in particular about the character of Luke played by Mark Hamill, who in turn he distanced himself from the film). Despite this, box office success has arrived and Lucasfilm is still convinced to entrust the same director with an entire new trilogy. In the meantime, many things have changed: after the exploit of The Mandalorian on Disney +, the Star Wars universe now focuses mainly on serial projects that will go in streaming.Of the films entrusted to Johnson, therefore, it is stopped talking for a while. In the last few hours, however, a statement rekindles attention to the trilogy, arguing that it is still being worked on: "I post it because I guess many will ask me: yes, Rian's trilogy is still in progress", USA Today reporter Sariah Wilson, who recently interviewed the director, wrote in a tweet. “There are no dates or timelines, because he has other projects underway, but it's still a reality. That's all I know ”. So, there are no certainties about when we will see the new films, but apparently Johnson is still in the dance with Lucasfilm for the making of stories set in a galaxy far, far away.
I'm just going to post this now because I can see that I'm going to get a lot of requests -
Yes, Rian's SW trilogy is still on. No dates or timelines because he has other projects going on, but it is happening.
- Sariah Wilson (@sariahwilson) February 16, 2021
After The Last Jedi, Johnson directed the mystery Cena con delitto - Knives Out, very appreciated for the shrewd style to the point of deserving several Oscar and Golden Globes nominations, and apparently in recent times he is working on the sequel. As for Star Wars, however, the only film released in theaters for now confirmed is Rogue Squadron, entrusted to the director of Wonder Woman Patty Jenkins and scheduled for December 2023. But two other slots, December 2025 and December 2027, have been reserved by Disney for two Star Wars titles: will one of these start the Johnson trilogy?