PS5, PS4: Horizon Forbidden West is not postponed to 2022, new reports

PS5, PS4
Rumors have recently circulated that they want Horizon Forbidden West for PS5 and PS4</a> postponed to 2022. Is it credible information? As always, these are rumors and therefore should be taken with caution, but in this case there are many pieces of information that seem to disprove this hypothesis. Here's what we know.First of all, the latest Sony PlayStation PS5 banner ads indicate that Horizon Forbidden West is still expected by the end of 2021. Even a February 26 trailer still points to the second half of 2021 as the release date. Jim Ryan, president and CEO of Sony Interactive Entertainment, also recently reiterated that the game will arrive at the end of 2021.
Jason Schreier - Bloomberg insider and reporter - also made a comment on the situation of Horizon Forbidden West . In fact, a user recently stated that "Horizon will be postponed to 2022, I bet". To which Schreier replied: "Maybe, but Horizon has already been postponed". The reporter understands that Horizon was actually slated for PS4 only, but has been internally delayed to make the PS5 version as well.
VGC, via an anonymous source, says development on Horizon Forbidden West began soon after. the release of the first game and it was scheduled to release on PS4 only, but Sony's plans have changed. has contacted Sony who reiterated that the game is scheduled for 2021.
Is the rumor, finally, credible? The source is the same as the one that unveiled the PC port of Horizon Zero Dawn, but on various other occasions its claims have turned out to be false. He had for example claimed that PS5 would not have big games at launch (and instead released both Marvel's Spider-Man Miles Morales and Demon's Souls) and claimed that Xbox Series X would have up to 16 exclusives at launch. It was reported that in various other situations it was not reliable.
The truth, then, is that this rumor is less credible than expected. Obviously we have no way to verify its credibility firsthand and the only way to be sure of the fate of Horizon Forbidden West will be to wait for official announcements from Sony.
We also point out that an Elden Ring trailer will be shown early, Schreier is quite certain.
PS4 and PS5 owners can get Final Fantasy VII Remake for free with PlayStation Plus in March
Final Fantasy VII Remake, the modern retelling of the 1997 PlayStation classic, will be free for PlayStation Plus subscribers beginning March 2nd. It is important to note the PS4 version of Final Fantasy VII Remake available for users with an active PS Plus subscription will not be able to receive a PS5 digital version of the game, which was announced yesterday at Sony’s State of Play event.
Final Fantasy VII Remake launched last April exclusively on PlayStation 4 and serves as the first of an unknown number of entries in an episodic retelling of the original game. The game is also backward compatible on PlayStation 5, but yesterday's State of Play confirmed that a next-gen version of the game will release on June 10th and will take full advantage of Sony’s next-gen console, with faster loading times, different graphical mode options, and a new episode focusing on the character Yuffie.
Other games eligible for download next month include the PS4 versions of Farpoint and Remnant: From the Ashes. Also coming to PS Plus is a digital copy of Maquette, which is a new game launching on PS5 on March 2nd. Destruction AllStars, one of the new PS5 titles released this year, will also be free until April 5th.