play5 04/21 with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition and more!

play5 04/21 with Mass Effect
If Corona is still going so slowly on earth and just not enough vaccine can be brought in so that this stupid pandemic will soon pass, then you just go into space - preferably with Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. The trilogy combines the first three parts of the legendary science fiction series and aims to convince through technical and playful improvements. As part of a digital event, we made our own picture of whether this could work and, in this context, also conducted an exciting interview with the developers.But that is not the only exciting preview report in this Month is waiting for you. With Roller Champions, for example, you go on a crazy roller skating rink - Ubisoft's fun sports game proves that sports games don't always have to be deadly serious and have to be based on real templates. We also reveal what you can expect in the future with Subnautica: Below Zero, Atomic Heart, Everspace 2 and The Elder Scrolls Online: Tore von Oblivion.
The test part is led by Persona 5 Strikers, the quasi-sequel from Persona 5, which combines the unique style of the game with action-packed combat. Completely different, but no less interesting: Little Nightmares 2. Can the horror trip be more convincing in the second attempt in terms of play? Atmospherically, the debut was also great! There are also reviews of Werewolf: The Apocalypse - Earthblood, Gods Will Fall, Tohu and Dead Cells: Fatal Falls, among others. This time the magazine section is really packed with all kinds of reports and columns, for example about how WWE2K can find its way back on the road to success, why Bioware deserves a second chance, about the success story of horror icon Shinji Mikami and about why stupid trophies are a game worse.
The issues in detail: The cover of play5 04/21 Source: play5
Cover story: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition. It goes back to Normandy, because the terrific science fiction trilogy can finally experience a second spring. You can read with us whether the games are still good today and what the developers themselves say about the new edition. Preview: Mass Effect: Legendary Edition Roller Champions Subnautica: Below Zero Atomic Heart Everspace 2 The Elder Scrolls Online: Gates of Oblivion Most Wanted Test: Persona 5 Strikers Destruction Allstars Little Nightmares 2 Werewolf: The Apocalypse - EarthbloodGods Will FallTohuPuyo Puyo Tetris 2Olija has · Early Access: An Inventory · Games Industry Icons: Shinji Mikami · Civilization 2 (Flashback) · Stop Dumb Trophies! Over 150 minutes of videos on the DVD booklet: Resident Evil: Village · Gotham Knights · Little Nightmares 2 · Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart · Persona 5 Strikers u. The entire play5 team wishes you a lot of fun with the new play5 04/21!
DVD inlay play5 04/21 [212.52 KB] If you don't want to wait that long: go to the play5 online shop - simply download the new booklet Order at home or subscribe straight away and collect a valuable bonus!The new play5 is of course also available in digital form! From now on, your favorite magazine will be with you everywhere - whether on tablet, smartphone, Kindle Fire or in the browser.
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A breakdown of the MASS EFFECT: LEGENDARY changes.
I watched this because I like Lucy’s stuff. She’s checked out on it. And… well. Bioware may be dead to me, but I still have my N7 hoodie. MASS EFFECT: LEGENDARY sounds tempting, I’m not gonna lie.