PC Games: New combined subscription campaign - printed issue + digital edition + free advertising + voucher

PC Games Combination Subscription: Booklet + Digital + Ad-Free + Amazon Voucher
So if you order the classic magazine subscription, you'll get the digital one Expenses in addition. You not only get the complete issue as a PDF in the Computec shop, but also the output via the PCG apps (iOS, Android) on your mobile phone or tablet. After activation, you will also read pcgames.de free of external advertising material.The subscription therefore includes:
• All monthly issues print
• All monthly issues digital (PDF)
• Surf ad-free
• Amazon voucher
Order now PC Games Extended with DVD and 16 extra pages - 12 printed magazines every month punctually by post + free digital edition + AD-FREE on pcgames.de + 15 euros Amazon voucher 72.00 euros per year Order now: PC Games Magazin subscription - 12 printed magazines every month punctually by post + free digital edition + AD-FREE on pcgames.de + 10 euros Amazon voucher 51, 00 euros per year The combination subscription is available in two variants: PC games subscription without DVD for 51 euros and PC games subscription with DVD and 16 extra pages for 72 euros. Both subscriptions have a term of twelve months. If you choose to use direct debit, you will also receive two issues free of charge, provided you order from Germany or Austria. Have a look at our subscription shop. You can of course also conveniently order individual issues of all Computec magazines or simply select the PC games subscription that suits you.
You don’t feel like dead trees? Then you can of course opt for a digital-only subscription, with which you get the PC games as PDF or ePaper. On top of that, in addition to 12 digital issues, you will also receive an Amazon voucher.
ORDER NOW PC Games Magazin digital subscription (without printed issue) - 12 digital issues + 39.99 euro voucher per year There's the new one Subscription for other issues from our publishing house, of course.
play5 annual combined subscription:
ORDER NOW Play5 magazine subscription - 12 printed magazines every month punctually by post + free digital edition + AD-FREE on pcgames. de + 10 euros Amazon voucher 72.00 euros per year N-ZONE combined annual subscription:
Order now: N-Zone magazine subscription - 12 printed magazines every month punctually by post + free digital edition + AD-FREE on pcgames .de + 10 euros Amazon voucher 56.00 euros per year Games Aktuell Combined annual subscription:
Order now: Games Aktuell magazine subscription - 12 printed magazines every month punctually by post + free digital edition + AD-FREE on pcgames. de + 10 euros Amazon voucher 51.00 euros per year And: Also with the Ko There is a time-limited and discounted hard times subscription from PC Games Hardware.
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