Neon Genesis Evangelion: Asuka's cosplay signed by memepantazis is very fitting

Neon Genesis Evangelion
Neon Genesis Evangelion, and in particular Asuka Langley, are the protagonists of an apt cosplay by memepantazis, which precisely incorporates the spirit of the original character between costume, hairstyle and expression.Undoubtedly one of the most influential anime of the years 90 and early 2000, but even beyond, Neon Genesis Evangelion marked the youth of many fans of Japanese manga and animation, but it has also been able to expand into other areas with all its particularities between history, characters and setting.
Needless to say, it still provides plenty of material for cosplayers, although these obviously focus primarily on the three main characters, namely Shinji, Rei and the present Asuka, who is particularly popular with cosplayers and the public alike.
The interpretation of memepantazis went crazy on Instagram also for the remarkable similarity in the features of the model compared to those of the original character designed by Yoshiyuki Sadamoto, complete with a playful expression that fits well in the canons of the character.
To remain within the scope of cosplay, we also remember that of Scarlett Witch by Alyson Tabbitha, that of the spider demon mother of haori_senpai from Demon Slayer, that of Triss from Likeassassin from The Witcher and that of Cindy signed shiska14 from Final Fantasy 15.
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