My Hero Academia 5 - the new trailer reveals the new opening and ending

The new opening theme is titled No.1 and is performed by the DISH band while the ending theme is titled Ashiato and is performed by the band The Peggies.
And here's the new trailer:
My Hero Academia 5, the first details
My Hero Academia 5 will start next March 27th and will air at 17:30 , the same time slot as in previous seasons.The series will be produced by Studio Bones and should pick up the story of events exactly where it left off. After the tremendous battle involving the new Hero Number One, Endeavor, and the Festival of Culture we should in fact initially see the joint training between the heroes of section A and B of the Yuhei High School.
Always from the Jump Festa 2021 a brand new trailer has arrived, here it is:
My Hero Academia, the third film is also coming
A few weeks ago we also brought you a series of three teaser images that appeared on all channels social media of My Hero Academia that united had composed the following visual with the caption: "will meet the three musketeers".Along with the visual, no further details were provided, although it was quite easy recognizing Deku, Bakugo and Shoto, however rumors of the announcement of a third animated film had begun to circulate insistently. These rumors have been confirmed by Weekly Shonen Jump 52 which confirmed the start of work on the third animated film of My Hero Academia with a celebratory illustration by Kohei Horikoshi in which the release date is indicated generically the summer of 2021 and a short declaration of the same sensei that reads:
We will make the third animated film! Thanks as always for supporting Deku and everyone else! With the announcement of the second film I said that there would be no more, it's true, but here is another one! I am receiving the support of many people. Although I've been unable to sleep lately, I'm sleeping vertically.
My Hero Academia - the anime and the manga
My Hero Academia is made up of four seasons all available in free streaming on the VVVVID platform. The first two seasons were broadcast unencrypted by Mediaset networks, obviously dubbed in Italian, between 2018 and 2019. Italian audio, My Hero Academia Season 1, My Hero Academia Season 2 - Box 1 and My Hero Academia Season 2 - Box 2.Crunchyroll has made available the new OVA of My Hero Academia.
The original title of the original episode is Boku no Hero Academia: Ikinokore! Kesshi no Survival Kunren - translated with My Hero Academia Episode OVA - Survive! Survival drill to either go or break it - and sees Class 1-A divided into two teams which will have to pass a drill in which to rescue people (mannequins positioned in certain points of the area) from a fire that broke out in a shopping mall.
As Deku and his team begin searching for the victims to rescue, an area gives way and traps them underground. In addition, they will have to overcome other obstacles using their Quirks and working together to escape and survive.
Two films are also linked to the anime series: Two Heroes and HEROES RISING, both of which are also released for Dynit. As announced a few days ago, the second film will be released exclusively on Netflix on December 24th.
Here is a trailer:
The anime is based on the manga of the same name written and drawn by Kōhei Horikoshi, still being published and now in Volume 29. The manga is published in Italy by Edizioni Star Comics which has published 25 volumes so far.
For those who do not know, here is a brief synopsis of the series:
In a world where being superheroes is the norm, being born without special powers is equivalent to a real misfortune. Izuku Midoriya will have to go all out to get a superpower, and despite the feat it seems impossible that anyone will eventually notice his abilities.
Buy My Hero Academia Season 1 Vol. 1 in blu-ray with Italian dubbing.