Kena: Bridge of Spirits, the preview with the news of the State of Play

Although it is not a triple A, Kena: Bridge of Spirits is certainly one of the most anticipated titles of 2021: it will be released on PC and, as regards the exclusive console, on PlayStation 4 and PlayStation 5. But it is undeniable that good part of the fans can't wait to see it in action right on the next gen console by Sony, given that the developers of Ember Lab have promised to adequately support the possibilities of PS5, even on the DualSense controller side. The good news: we have prepared a new preview for you, based on the very recent State of Play. The bad news: Forget to play Kena: Bridge of Spirits this spring, as the official launch date has now been permanently postponed to August 24, 2021.A content-packed trailer
On the occasion of the State of Play, the developers of Ember Lab offered the public a new official trailer of Kena: Bridge of Spirits, on balance one of the most full-bodied and rich in content among those available today. The movie summarizes a bit the entire identity of the production, shows the protagonist in action (even against the enemies that will be hosted by the game world) and above all raises the curtain, for the first time in such a safe way, on other secondary characters that Kena will encounter on her way to the salvation of what appears to be a full-fledged fantasy realm.Kena: Bridge of Spirits: the new trailer showed a sometimes restless protagonist. The richness of the trailer's content should therefore not be overlooked. In fact, previously we only knew that in Kena: Bridge of Spirits a journey would be undertaken to ward off evil and free (in fact) the "spirits", who sometimes seem to appear even in the form of children. The trailer, however, also revealed the existence of an elderly wise man, who may or may not play the role of the protagonist's "mentor"; and then of other secondary characters who even seem to feed the enemy creatures.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits and its fearsome enemies. In fact, in a few short seconds the generation of an enemy of Kena is shown starting from a normal human being like her. What if all hostile creatures were nothing more than once peaceful humans? These are the months of assumptions, after all: we could easily be proven wrong. But that in Kena: Bridge of Spirits not everything is as evident as it might initially seem, it is clear.
The combat system
Kena: Bridge of Spirits: all attack! The new presentation of Kena: Bridge of Spirits has returned to dedicate the right space also to the combat system, but from this point of view the news are limited. If anything, the video taken from the PlayStation 5 version of the title showed a truly remarkable overall fluidity, and no uncertainty on the screen even in the presence of particle effects or more than one creature. Kena will be able to fight enemies using her "magic stick" (the protagonist will apologize for the definition), alternating it with an equally magical arc suitable for a greater distance.But the actual physical confrontation can be alternated (indeed, presumably it will have to be alternated) with the use of the adorable black creatures already shown every time she presented herself with the opportunity. The Rot (that's their name) will hinder and slow down enemies, giving Kena a chance to unleash her magical powers. On PlayStation 5 the title will exploit the various potential offered by the haptic feedback of the DualSense, for example by returning the sensation of the blows inflicted on the enemies, from the weakest to the most powerful; identical use should then receive the bow of Kena, a bit like already seen in Immortal: Fenyx Rising by Ubisoft on PlayStation 5.
Kena: Bridge of Spirits and the adorable Rot The combat system seems satisfying and sufficiently deep, but clearly before expressing oneself it will be necessary to test it properly; the repetitiveness factor, however, should be averted by alternating between clashes and explorations of the surrounding environment, accompanied by environmental puzzles.
An incredibly fascinating game world
Kena: Bridge of Spirits and its evocative game world. If Kena: Bridge of Spirits immediately attracted the attention of many potentially interested users, this is not only because of its artistic direction, which very closely recalls an animated film halfway between anime and computer graphics. . It is above all the incredibly fascinating game world that constitutes Kena's best calling card. From this point of view, the trailer of the State of Play proved to be really so evocative, offering suggestive views and a good alternation between sunny and green areas with other decidedly darker ones. It remains to understand how vast the game world will be, how much variety it can boast, and above all how linear the main adventure will turn out.Every time it returns to show itself, we feel the need to get our hands on Kena more and more : Bridge of Spirits. The problem is also that, just every time it returns to show itself, the launch date is moved to the right: first it was scheduled for the launch of the PlayStation 5, then for the first months of 2021, now it has been postponed to August. On the one hand, we think that all this is necessary to have the title that we have desired immediately, since its first public appearance: and therefore the wait becomes bearable, sensible. On the other hand, of course, we can't wait for the publication on PlayStation 5, PC and also on PlayStation 4. The world of Kena seems very inspired, the combat system appears valid, and certainly the quality of the entire production is evident. Let's hope no last-minute nasty surprises pop up at this point.