Julia's 2021 - between new cases and incredible returns

Julia - the news
At the beginning of the year Julia and her boyfriend Ettore enjoy a holiday in an enchanting mountain resort. However, the idyll is marred by a murder on the ski slopes. The investigations are hampered by a snowstorm that completely isolates the hotel, not to mention the fact that every guest would have a good reason to be the killer…In March Julia and Tim O'Leary, the charming gentleman thief, they are together again for a highly risky theft ... The object to be stolen is a precious DVD, at the center of a complicated case of industrial espionage.
In April Luther, Emily's son, will drive Julia on the deep web, rummaging through Professor Dorsey's haters profiles to track down her killer. Dorsey was a kind of Don Quixote fighting his own personal battle to find and discredit fake news. But his ethical choices cost him his life: he was shot in the back by four gunshots…
A long-awaited return in June: Myrna Harrod! The chameleonic serial killer now plays the role of a caregiver and has even grown fond of the elderly gentleman who hosts her in her house. When the man falls ill, Myrna has to get the money to be able to cure him. But the only way she knows to achieve her purpose is to kill. Meanwhile, the criminal approaches Julia more and more dangerously with the intent of loving her and dying with her.
In September Grandma Lillian investigates together with her granddaughter the disappearance of an elderly guest in the nursing home and in October Julia's friend, Romy Horowitz, gives birth to a beautiful baby girl from the sperm bank. But the woman's serenity is endangered by the threatening messages sent by the child's alleged father.
In November it is the brotherly friend, the private detective Leo Baxter, who asks for the help of the criminologist to shed light on the alleged suicide of a teenager, victim of bullying, who threw himself into the Marigold.
There will be new serial killers, like the artist. Passionate about photography, the man prepares each crime scene as if it were a photographic set, with obsessive attention, down to the smallest detail. A kind of game, but deadly serious, because what his shots capture is death ... But we will also find the "Arsenic and old lace" style killers, like the sisters Corinne and Peggy who under the guise of reassuring aunts skillfully conceal their wicked soul. The two invited a couple of mystery writers, wife and husband, to their home, who found themselves prisoners as guests. And who knows what fate the two sprightly old ladies have in store for them ...
Punctual for the summer appointment we will find the Color Special with a psychedelic story: a young Julia novice will have to investigate the death of a friend which took place during a rave party.
The 2021 previews of Sergio Bonelli Editore
Last week, again through its official website, Sergio Bonelli Editore has already offered a first look at the 2021 news of Tex, Dragonero, Dampyr, Zagor, Dylan Dog, Martin Mystere and Nathan Never.Buy the volume Julia - Journey to Italy.