Fallout 76 and RDO: Why Don't Developers Give Players What They Want?

Fallout 76 and RDO: Why Don't Developers Give Players What They Want?
If you look at it soberly, Fallout 76 has improved a lot since its release in November 2018. Those who get involved with the title can now have a lot of fun. Red Dead Online would also be a joyful game if it weren't for a few more problems - including open PvP and the server structure. But both titles stand in their own way because the developers don't go into what the players want.

Games need more options on how to play

Fallout 76 (buy now / 35.99 €) is basically a pretty classic part of the end time RPG series and since the Wastelanders update also offers NPCs and exciting quests. But why is it not possible to experience this alone? Why can't players play in an offline mode and explore Appalachia the way they want without having to constantly encounter other players? And why is it not possible to play only with selected friends? That's what fans of The Elder Scrolls and Fallout have been asking for for years. Easy to have a co-op opportunity in the RPGs.

The same goes for Red Dead Online. The fact that players now come to a solo lobby in the event of server problems and are there alone has sparked enthusiasm in the community. That shows what the players want. You just want to have the opportunity to play alone or just to be out with a few selected friends. The games should be fun for as many people as possible, but they don't get exactly what they want. Games live from options and a choice between an open online mode, co-op with friends or offline would certainly open up Fallout 76 and Red Dead Online to a much larger audience.

Some titles, such as Conan Exiles, make this possible and delight the fans with it, why isn't that possible with more games? Perhaps developers should slowly get away from stuck, obsolete ideas about how they think players should experience something and focus more on what customers actually want.

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