Buy the RTX 3060: availability poor as expected - sold out after a few minutes

Buy the RTX 3060
Update: As expected, the Geforce RTX 3060 was sold out after a few minutes. We hope that if you were lucky you got a card.Original message: As a PC gamer and performance enthusiast, like us here, you have been toughened up when it comes to releases of new graphics cards since last year. The availability of all new graphics cards of the RTX generation has not been sufficient for months, which leads to frustrating experiences for potential buyers and also massively increases the prices for the few available cards. Now, with the release of the RTX 3060, another graphics card is in the starting blocks and you don't have to be a prophet to assume low availability again. So if you have your eye on the RTX card priced at 329 euros, you should keep an eye on the popular shops.
Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. However, you have to be very fast, because in the past few months it has been shown time and again that shops simply cannot get the scalper plague under control. The problem now runs through all areas - particularly noticeable in the entertainment electronics segment, of course. Wherever you look for a new graphics card, you will find the same empty "shelves" everywhere. You should save the following shops as bookmarks so that you can try to get hold of a card tomorrow at the start of sales of the Geforce RTX 3060 at around 6 p.m. We'll keep our fingers crossed for you in any case. Update: You can now read a review of the Geforce RTX 3060 from colleagues at PC Games Hardware.
If you are lucky, you can buy an RTX 3060 at these shops - it starts on February 25th at 6 p.m.
Nvidia Alternate Amazon (graphics cards RTX 30s) | Amazon (RTX 3060) Caseking MediaMarkt Saturn Here are some links to MSRP cards, which will also be sold from 6pm today for 329 euros. Attention: Links will only work after the start of sales.
Computeruniverse: Inno3D GeForce RTX 3060 12GB Twin X2 What have been your experiences in recent months with regard to graphics card purchases - are you waiting for better availability, you might have a new one yourself Can you buy a card at the standard price or did you have to pay moon prices? Let us know in the comments!
Where to buy Nvidia’s RTX 3060 graphics card
Nvidia’s new RTX 3060 will be available to purchase starting on Thursday, February 25th at 9AM PT / 12PM ET. Unlike other GPUs in the RTX 30 series, Nvidia is not making a Founder’s Edition of the RTX 3060, but other manufacturers like EVGA and Gigabyte are making their own iterations of the RTX 3060. The price is said to be $329, but as has been the case for the past year, it’s unlikely you’ll be able to find it available for that. Retailers that have posted listings are already marking up 3060 cards to $390 or more, which is much closer in price to the step-up 3060 Ti.
The Verge’s Sean Hollister reviewed EVGA’s iteration of the RTX 3060 and noted in his review that although the GPU’s price makes it more competitive to buy, you’re sacrificing more than a little bit of performance compared to the RTX 3060 Ti.
So far, Best Buy, Micro Center, and Newegg (Newegg Shuffle) are the only retailers that have put listings up for the RTX 3060. We will continue to update the list of cards and retailers selling them as they become available.
BEST BUY NVIDIA RTX 3060 LISTINGSMICRO CENTER NVIDIA RTX 3060 LISTINGSNEWEGG NVIDIA RTX 3060 LISTINGSYou may also be able to find it at Amazon, Nvidia, and Adorama in the US; Currys and Ebuyer in the UK; or Best Buy CA if you live in Canada.