TESO - Goals from Oblivion: The next chapter of the role-playing game will be released in June

Eveli Scharfpfeil and Dremora Lyranth from The Elder Scrolls Online will also return with the launch of the two dungeons. The highlight for many players should be the new chapter "Blackwood". The expansion for the role-playing game will be released on June 1st. According to the developers, fans can look forward to a main story with a playing time of around 30 hours. One of the locations of the story is the dark forest, which will be available as a new area in TESO. A new trailer has been released to mark the announcement, which you can watch below.
TESO: Gates of Oblivion - Hellishly good cinematic trailer loadVideoPlayer ('83550', '& sAdSetCsategory = article_featured ', 16, '16: 9', false, 1365839, false, 239823, 260, false, 0, '', '', false); TESO - The Elder Scrolls Online from € 59.95 In addition to the area, the new companion system and the "Felshain" test for up to twelve players are also part of the content of the next chapter. New world events also find their way in The Elder Scolls Online. Blackwood pre-orders will also receive some rewards that they can redeem right at the start of the chapter. These are:
Dremora-Kynvogt (outfit style) Totenländer-Wamasu (companion) 1x box of the iron atronach 3x treasure maps for dark forest 2x scrolls of learning You can also find more details about the individual editions on the role-play website .
Source: Elder Scrolls Online
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