Sega: Toshihiro Nagoshi, producer of Yakuza, retrograde within the company

In a document released today, Sega, now Sega Sammy Holdings, reported on the company's restructuring for the upcoming fiscal year, which begins April 1, 2021. Thus, If among the novelties we observe the arrival of Haruki Satomi as CEO of Sega Sammy, taking the place of Hajime Satomi, his father, other changes are more surprising. Indeed, among them, we especially note the departure of Toshihiro Nagoshi from his position of Creative Director at Sega within the board of directors. However, the producer, behind the Monkey Ball and best known for the Yakuza series, remains with the company as Creative Director.
If no official reason has been given for this departure, many Internet users have made several hypotheses. First of all, it could be for health reasons since in August 2019, Toshihiro Nagoshi had had heart surgery, when he was 54 years old. Then, this decision could also be motivated by a desire of the producer to come back closer to the development of video games than to strategic and economic decisions on the scale of the company.
However, on the Japanese side, the rumor is quite different. Indeed, as Kotaku notes, some Japanese Internet users see in this departure the consequences of a mockery of the producer made last year towards the esports players of Puyo Puyo. Faced with the controversy generated, the latter quickly apologized for these comments.
As the remark was addressed to the players who go all out playing a Sega title, Puyo Puyo, and since it has sullied the whole esport, I am so sorry. It was really inexcusable.
Also to read: The Yakuza Remastered Collection: The compilation arrives on PC and Xbox