Receipt lottery: guidelines for merchants

Receipt Lottery: guidelines
The basic rules dedicated to merchants are published on this page. Following the video of the meeting held in recent days and publicly available only for a few hoursDuring the meeting it was expressly explained that the Lottery will start from Monday 1 February. At the moment, however, the official page of the game still needs several updates and the so-called "Reserved Area" has not yet been published. However, there is no more time for postponements and uncertainties: it is time to leave and any problems will be resolved little by little.
The doubts and postponements that surrounded the beginning of the Lottery, in every case, it could still generate a few weeks of further uncertainty, especially on the part of merchants who will have to understand how to manage incoming Lottery Codes from customers.
Receipt Lottery
🤔 When does the receipt lottery start?
The Receipt Lottery was supposed to start on January 1, 2021, but a postponement to allow merchants to have more time to update telematic cash registers. The official start has therefore been postponed to February 1, 2021. Here are all the details.▷ How much can you win?
The Lottery of Receipts provides prizes for both consumers and merchants who issue the receipt. In this case, weekly (from June 2021), monthly (from March 2021) and annual (the first at the beginning of 2022) draws are planned.For consumers there are:
15 weekly prizes from 25,000 euros 10 monthly prizes of 100,000 euros 1 annual prize of 5 million euros
▷ How to create the lottery code?
To create the Lottery Code you need to go to this site and enter your Tax Code. You will immediately get the code with which you can participate in the lottery. The code must be printed or saved on your smartphone in order to show it to the merchant before issuing the receipt. Once the code is presented, each receipt becomes an opportunity to be drawn in one of the Lottery Receipts drawings.▷ What happens if I lose the lottery code?
Not a problem: the receipts created with the lost code will remain valid for the extractions. Furthermore, it is sufficient to repeat the operation and produce a new Lottery Code in order to continue to accrue winning opportunities with each purchase. Here are all the details.▷ Can I pay the receipt in cash?
No, the Receipt Lottery is a project to stimulate digital payments and therefore payments made with cash cannot compete to the draws.▷ Do I have to keep the receipt?
No, it is not necessary. In any case, the electronic payments remain registered and the receipt is registered for the purposes of the lottery. In case of a win, it will therefore not be necessary to show it. Here all the details about the contest.{"@context": "https: \ / \ / \ /", "@type": "FAQPage", "mainEntity": [{"@ type ":" Question "," name ":" \ ud83e \ udd14 When does the Receipt Lottery start? "," acceptedAnswer ": {" @type ":" Answer "," text ":" The Receipt Lottery should have start on January 1, 2021, but a postponement was necessary to allow merchants to have more time to update the telematic cash registers. The official start has therefore been moved to February 1, 2021. Here all the details. \ n "}}, {" @type ":" Question "," name ":" \ u25b7 How much can you win? "," acceptedAnswer ": {" @type ":" Answer ", "text": "The Receipt Lottery provides prizes for both consumers and merchants who issue the coupon ntrino. In this case, weekly (from June 2021), monthly (from March 2021) and annual (the first at the beginning of 2022) draws are planned. \ n For consumers there are: \ n \ n 15 weekly prizes of 25,000 euros \ n 10 monthly prizes of 100,000 euros \ n 1 annual prize of 5 million euros \ n \ n "}}, {" @type ": "Question", "name": "\ u25b7 How do you create the lottery code?", "AcceptedAnswer": {"@type": "Answer", "text": "To create the Lottery Code you need to go to this site and enter your tax code. You will immediately get the code with which you can participate in the lottery. The code must be printed or saved on your smartphone in order to be able to show it to the merchant before issuing the receipt. Once the code is presented, each receipt becomes an opportunity to be drawn in one of the Lottery Receipts draws. \ n "}}, {" @type ":" Question "," name ":" \ u25b7 What happens if I lose my lottery code? "," acceptedAnswer ": {" @type ":" Answer "," text " : "Not a problem: receipts created with the lost code will remain valid for checkouts. Furthermore, it is sufficient to repeat the operation and produce a new Lottery Code in order to continue to accrue winning opportunities with each purchase. Here all the details. \ n "}}, {" @type ":" Question "," name ":" \ u25b7 Can I pay the receipt in cash? "," acceptedAnswer ": {" @type ":" Answer "," text ": "No, the Receipt Lottery is a project to stimulate digital payments and therefore payments made with cash are not eligible for the drawings. \ n "}}, {" @type ":" Question "," name ":" \ u25b7 Do I have to keep the receipt? "," acceptedAnswer ": {" @type ":" Answer "," text ":" No , it is not necessary. In any case, the electronic payments remain registered and the receipt is registered for the purposes of the lottery. In case of a win, it will therefore not be necessary to show it. Here all the details about the contest. \ n "}}]}