PlayStation Plus February 2021: Control, Destruction AllStars and Concrete Genie

We are speaking of course of Control Ultimate Edition, offered free to subscribers after the many controversies of the announcement, but also of the next-gen combat racer Destruction AllStars and of Concrete Genie, the adventure signed by Pixelopus designed specifically for PS4.
Is this a selection that has convinced the readers of According to our traditional survey, 62% of users said they were very satisfied with the games in February and 19% quite satisfied, for a total of 81% positive feedback.
Control Ultimate Edition
The Ultimate Edition of Control marks the arrival on PS5 of the action shooter in the style of metroidvania by Remedy Entertainment, with a version not only complete of the two expansions The Foundation and AWE, but also able to take advantage of the hardware next-gen and to deliver an experience with a superior visual impact.Two different graphics modes will be available on the new Sony console: one with dynamic resolution at 4K, active ray tracing and 30 fps, the another with dynamic resolution at 4K and 60 fps but without ray tracing. We can therefore choose the solution that best suits our tastes between advanced effects, with realistic reflections of the lights, or a doubled frame rate.
Elements that will add further inspiration to the adventure of Jesse Faden, a girl endowed with telekinetic powers, she is appointed the new Director of the Federal Bureau of Control, an agency that deals with identifying, studying and cataloging paranormal phenomena, stemming their effects through a work of archiving in its headquarters, the Oldest House.
It happens, however, that a supernatural entity from another dimension, the Hiss, breaches our plane of reality using the huge FBC headquarters as its intermediary, transforming its agents into hostile puppets that we will have to defeat using Jesse's skills and the powerful Service Weapon: a gun that can take on different shapes and functions.
Destruction AllStars
The new combat racer from Lucid Games and Wushu Studios, Destruction AllStars brings the fast-paced action of no-holds-barred racing to PlayStation 5, in a mix of speed and special weapons halfway between classic Twisted Metal and Destruction Derby. But there is no shortage of interesting news!The characters that we will be able to control within these exciting challenges in the arena have in fact peculiar abilities, to be exploited possibly by exiting the vehicles and stealing others in order to achieve our objectives and win matches embellished with a competitive multiplayer mode that will surely give the maximum thanks to the free game for PlayStation Plus subscribers.
Concrete Genie
Developed by Pixelopus exclusively for PS4, Concrete Genie us takes us to visit the fictitious city of Denska, a desolate and disturbing place that we will be able to revive thanks to the artistic creations of the boy protagonist of the game, Ash, projecting his drawings from the notebook onto the walls of the neighborhoods.Immersed in a 'very special atmosphere, in which graffiti plays a leading role, we will have to solve simple puzzles but also avoid the bullies that torment us, I die sell us accordingly within the scenario. A formula that, net of some fairly obvious limitations, will only fascinate you.
February 2021 arrivals and departures
No longer available on PlayStation Plus from February 2Shadow of the Tomb Raider
Greedfall - PS4
Maneater - PS5
Available on PlayStation Plus February 2nd
Control Ultimate Edition - PS5 and PS4
Destruction AllStars - PS5
Concrete Genie - PS4