KOTOR 1 & 2: Apparently new editions of both games are planned

Will KOTOR 1 and 2 come out again?
Star Wars insider Jordan Maison said on Twitter that according to his information, a new edition of KotOR 1 and 2 is planned. "Heard some fun game stuff this week," he wrote on Twitter. "Nothing big and no real details (hence a tweet and no post) ... Do you know how the Jedi Knight games and Episode 1 Racer got re-releases for Switch and modern consoles? I heard that #KOTOR 1 and 2 will also experience such a Never release sometime this year. "Recommended editorial content At this point you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. That means we can't expect a remake or a real remaster, just a re-release with probably slightly modified graphics. That would inherit sense if the new game is a sequel. Because by releasing both KotOR games again, you call the story back to the players' minds and lay the foundation for the next chapter in the story.
"Notice this would be a SEPARATE project from the upcoming remake thing (which would incorporate elements to put it in the canon). These would just be direct, upscaled ports," explained Jordan Maison. When we can expect the release of these new editions of Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic (buy now € 13.99 / € 7.37) 1 and 2 is unclear. If you want to play now, you can read our test of the mobile versions.
Source: Twitter