In the United States, Telegram removes the channels where violence is incited

Removed posts and channels that violated the platform's rules, after rising tensions in America ahead of the Biden settlement
(Photo Illustration by Thomas Trutschel / Photothek via Getty Images) Telegram removed from channels and groups hundreds of messages inciting violence and in the United States also shut down channels that violated the rules. This was announced by founder Pavel Durov on his communication channel. In view of Joe Biden's inauguration as president of the United States and the rise of violent messages, Durov explained that Telegram moderators have stepped in to eliminate all messages that violate the platform's terms of service by spreading violence and hatred. br>The creator of Telegram has specified that since the beginning of January the moderators have started to receive numerous reports on the increase of incitement to violence coming from some channels. The moderators then acted accordingly by eliminating some channels.
But how was this possible, if Telegram is an encrypted messaging platform? It should be remembered that its end-to-end encryption only protects secret conversations by blocking external access and centralized moderation. All other chats, such as those between users, groups and channels, do not. In addition, in groups and channels, users can report behaviors that they believe violate the rules to the platform.
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