Ho Mobile says there has been no theft of its users' banking data and traffic

Users affected by the violation will be contacted by the company and will be able to replace the sim. The violation did not compromise the banking data or those relating to traffic such as text messages, web browsing or phone calls
(photo: ho-mobile.it) One week after the publication of a database containing the personal data of 2,5 millions of users of Ho Mobile, the Italian provider of mobile phone services controlled by Vodafone Italia, the telephone company has given new information regarding the data breach, while informing its users that they will be able to request a new sim if they are victims of the attack. br>The provider confirms with a press release that the spoils of the violation seem to affect only a record of personal and technical data relating to the users' sim. The company has made it known that no data concerning traffic, such as text messages, phone calls and web activities, have been stolen, nor have bank data and forms of payment been touched.
The company, as per Nis directive, has already informed the Privacy Guarantor and the investigating authority of the violation with which it has begun to collaborate on the investigation into the violation.
Customers involved in the violation will be contacted by the company in the next few hours. In this way, in addition to new levels of security imposed by the company, users will be able to raise their guard against possible Sim Swapping attacks. "If customers still want to replace their sim", reads the Ho Mobile press release, "they can request its replacement free of charge at authorized points of sale".
In this way, the company offers users the possibility of avoiding being hit by an attack that allows malicious actors to replace, without the victim's knowledge, the telephone number with another address, managing to circumvent the 2-factor authentication systems, which provide for the sending of an access key or confirmation to the telephone number to log in to a service.
By replacing the sim with the Iccid codes, the 19-digit international codes that uniquely identify the sims, contained in the database for sale would become unusable, because they would identify disused and inactive sims.
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