Gods wants Fall in the test: fight against gods and chance

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Varied fights
This by and large outlines the background story of Gods will Fall, which is nothing more than a hook for the game. There is not much more story in the further course of the game. With the eight stranded warriors it is now a matter of penetrating into the realms or dungeons of the ten different gods, there to defeat their minions and finally to bring down the powerful being itself. For some unknown reason, only one of our fighters is allowed to be in a dungeon at a time.Each type of weapon plays differently and the opponents appear in many different ways with different attack patterns. Source: PC Games So we have to choose at the entrance which of our warriors should challenge the god. The figures have different values for life force, strength and speed. They can also have different types of weapons such as swords, hatchets and spears, as well as some special skills. Each type of weapon plays differently. With a spear one prefers to attack with a heavy blow from the greatest possible distance, while light attacks only serve to interrupt the opponent. With a sword, on the other hand, it is preferable to use light attacks which, if the fighter is moving fast enough, permanently interrupt the opponent and thus leave no chance.
But it is far from as simple as it sounds. Because there are tons of different types of opponents, each with a different attack pattern. Accordingly, it is important to constantly adjust to the opponents differently. Since hits can quickly cost a lot of life points, evasions are in constant use in addition to attacks. So the fights almost get a soul-like character. As soon as an opponent brings us down, the character in question remains trapped in the world and is back at the entrance with our remaining warriors. Now we can choose a new attacker who will start the dungeon over. Should he succeed in defeating the god in the end, all fighters who have been caught in his world in the meantime will be released again. Before the dungeon, we choose a fighter. The composition of our eight-man troop is completely random. Source: PC Games
Chance rules
Whether we succeed does not only depend on our ability to deal with the fighters. Because in Gods will Fall, chance plays a damn big role that is far too big for our taste. It starts with putting together our eight warriors at the beginning of the game. Which values, weapons and abilities they have is completely randomly rolled. It can happen, for example, that we do not represent certain types of weapons at all or the distribution of values turns out to be less than optimal.One of the ten gods in the game. Which of them is the easiest or the most difficult is determined at random. Source: PC Games The next big random factor is the difficulty of the individual gods dungeons. There is no order in which you should tackle the individual sections in the game. Instead, each time the game is started, it is determined at random which difficulty is to be expected in each individual world. A god who was quite easy in the last game can be tough again in the next game. The problem with this is that you don't know what level a dungeon is until you've sent a warrior into it. So you first try out some of the god worlds and lose a large part of your fighters while looking for a dungeon suitable for the level of difficulty. That doesn't exactly make the further procedure easier, or sometimes hardly possible.
Players without influence
Last but not least, chance strikes when we have made it one of the To subdue gods. Our fighters improve as a reward. But not evenly, or determined by the player, but also completely random. Whether or not speed makes sense for the favored warrior, we cannot influence it. The same goes for weapon upgrades. For a successfully completed dungeon we get a handful of weapons, some of better quality than the previous ones. Which types of weapons are offered to us is completely random. If, as in an example already mentioned, we don't have a fighter of a certain genre with us from the start, or if they are still trapped in other dungeons, we are unlucky and we have to continue without an upgrade. Improvements would be essential to get ahead in the more difficult worlds.So much of the game consists of trying things out and hoping for a gracious random number generator. A certain amount of frustration tolerance is also recommended. Although it is up to the player to always improve his martial arts in order to be able to survive against the opponents of the individual game sections. But if the reward for possible success does not turn out to be such that one can tackle the next section strengthened, disappointment quickly arises. Above all, the game should convince in terms of play, because it hardly looks anything. The figures and surroundings look poor in detail, textures often look muddy. After all, the game only costs a small thaler of 25 euros. So if you don't let yourself be deterred by the less elaborate optics and the overpowering chance factor, you can try the varied fights.
My opinion
By Matthias DammesEditor
[email protected] "I clearly depend too much on chance here." Randomly generated game elements can be very useful and contribute to lasting fun. The randomly generated levels in a Diablo always offer variety. But with Gods Will Fall, the developers clearly exaggerated it by chance. Just the wildly thrown together initial squad and the randomly distributed levels of difficulty in the dungeons, which let me try it out first, consume my fun. If I'm not lucky enough to find a manageable dungeon on the second or third attempt, I can usually copy the score straight away. If I then at least had the character development and improvement of my troop after a victory over one of the gods in my own hands, then I would also have the feeling of being actively involved in my further success. But here too I am at the mercy of the random generator. The bottom line is that that's too much of a gamble for me to motivate me permanently, even if the fights themselves are implemented quite nicely. Gods will Fall (PC) 6/10
Graphics - Sound - Multiplayer - Gods will Fall (PS4) 6/10
Graphics - Sound - Multiplayer - Gods will Fall (NSW) 6 / 10
Graphics - Sound - Multiplayer - Gods Will Fall (XBO) 6/10
Graphics - Sound - Multiplayer - Pros & Cons Various branches of weapon that play differently Diverse opponents with various attack patterns Impressive Boss monster Coincidence determines large parts of the game If you are unlucky, a game run can be doomed to failure from the start Little story Visually not up to date Other pros & cons ...