Fortnite: how to get 190 V-Buck for free on January 28, 2021 between Tavolaccia and Montespago

Before offering you the complete list of active missions until one Italian tonight, as always, we suggest that you also complete the Daily Task, the rewards of which can vary from a minimum of 50 to a maximum of 100 V-Buck.
Here are the alerts of the day:
Shelter Repair, Fall Industrial District (Recommended Home Base Level 23) - 30 V-Buck, Survivor Experience Points, Re-Advantage, Pure Raindrop, 55 Event Tickets and Seasonal Gold Vallarguta
Deliver the Bomb, Desert Bunker (Recommended Home Base Level 58) - 35 V-Buck, Project Experience Points, Hero Experience Points, Epic Perk (purple), 92 Event Tickets, and Seasonal Gold Face a storm of category 1, Lakeside (recommended Home Base Level 70) - 35 V-Buck, Eye of the Storm, Survivor Experience Points, Re-Advantage, 102 Event Tickets and Twine Peaks Seasonal Gold
Deliver the Bomb, Industrial Neighborhood (Recommended Home Base Level 116) - 40 V-Buck, Project Experience Points, Epic Perk (purple), Re-Advantage, 124 Event Tickets and Seasonal Gold Missions available today with V-Buck among the rewards range between the various areas present in the game and only one of these is easily accessible. In case you haven't yet unlocked access to Vallarguta and Twine Peaks, the third and fourth game areas, we suggest you ask some friends for help and join them in their private lobby. To create a private party, simply open the drop-down menu at the top right of the main Save the World screen, select the Privacy item and set it to "Friends Only". By doing this you will bypass the limitations imposed by the game and you will be able to complete the mission by receiving all the timed rewards.
Did you know that soon it will be possible to get the Fortnite Twitch Drops for free during the Champions Cup final? Also don't forget to check out our tips on how to complete all Mandalorian Assignments in Fortnite Chapter 2 Season 5, in order to unlock the full version of the Beskar armor.