Final Fantasy 7 Remake Part 2, talks about Square Enix: game world, storytelling and staff

Specifically, we are talking about by Yoshinori Kitase and Naoki Hamaguchi, respectively Producer and Co-Game Director of the acclaimed Final Fantasy VII Remake. The two industry veterans granted a long interview during the live broadcast, which was promptly translated from Japanese by the gaming community. In particular, the Twitter user "Audrey" stood out for the speed with which she shared details about the event with the rest of the fans around the world.
Definitely interesting element, during the intervention , the creative duo did not hesitate to offer some details on the Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2, whose development has already begun in the summer of 2020. In particular, Hamaguchi has confirmed the intention to continue in the same direction as the first chapter, at least regarding the rendering of the game world. With Final Fantasy VII Remake, the Square Enix team wanted to faithfully recreate Midgar, while making sure to offer players new sensations as well. "For example, in the original game, you didn't really have the perception of what it would be like to look around from the perspective of the slums, but we were able to make this effect with the Remake. - said the Director - In Part 2, we want to replicate that level of detail and allow players to experience the rest of the world exactly as they experienced Midgar. " In the next chapter, part of the JRPG renovation project, Cloud and his companions will be able to leave the city behind.
Kitase later offered some details on the narrative front, without however exaggerating excessively. Specifically, the intention was reiterated to offer an experience that finds the right balance between repetition, fidelity and innovation: "Those who have played Final Fantasy VII Remake already have an idea of the type of game we are creating. We want a title that is able to meet expectations and at the same time mislead the public and surprise them, in a positive sense ".
Finally, Hamaguchi underlined how the composition of the staff working on the project has changed. On the first chapter, he tells him, mainly fans of the original Final Fantasy VII worked, while now many Square Enix developers who played the Remake wanted to contribute to the sequel. This new participation, said the co-Director, could help to offer "new surprises" on the combat system front.
In closing, we would like to point out that a Final Fantasy concert will soon take place World Tour, during which a message from Kitase will be transmitted: is there news about Final Fantasy VII Remake Part 2 or about the arrival of Final Fantasy VII Remake on new platforms?