Cyberpunk 2077: CD Projekt responds to Bloomberg about fake demo and launch date

The CD Projekt RED boss's response was timely, but he focused primarily on answering three points: the first concerns the accusation that the Cyberpunk 2077 2018 demo is completely false . To this, Badowski, answered in a simple way, with information that all those who know the least about the development of a video game (or any other product) know. Demo versions, especially those two years before its release, are necessarily "false": they are vertical representations of what the game will be, built specifically to show the potential of a project, not its current state of development.
So it's obvious that what was shown at E3 2018 wasn't actually a part of the final game, but, according to Badowski, PC gaming comes very close to those results. Also, there was an inscription on the demo video that warned exactly of this.
As for the allegations made by some anonymous developers claiming Cyberpunk 2077 should have been released in 2022, Badowski simply asked if the opinion of 20 anonymous people, among whom there are many former employees, is enough to to say that "most of the developers" thought about that sort of thing. Especially on a working group of over 500 people.
he Finally he said that it is normal that if two people of the same nationality are talking to each other, they use their mother tongue and not English. And they do it not to hide something, but because it is a natural thing between compatriots who work in a multicultural environment. The company policy is to speak in English compulsorily during official meetings or when one of the people involved is of a different language from that of the others, but it is not forbidden to speak their own language in the office.
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