Control Ultimate Edition on PS5 and Xbox Series X with ray tracing, Series S without

Available for free on PlayStation Plus from February 2, Control Ultimate Edition will instead be paid on the Microsoft console, but in terms of performance this time the owners of the Xbox Series S will have to compromise.
According to what was declared on Twitter by Thomas Puha, director of communications of Remedy Entertainment, the next-gen economic console will include only the performance mode at 60 fps and therefore will not be able to count on ray tracing.
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The message was met by some inevitable criticism: after Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales 60fps ray tracing mode, many users expected Control's Ultimate Edition to include such a feature as well .
"This is not something that a small team like ours can achieve", explained Puha to those who asked him for explanations. "We have made sure that the two graphics modes included in Control Ultimate Edition work to the best of their ability."
Not only that: the ray tracing effects of the game on PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X will not be the same as seen on PC. "It's understandable if you compare the price of a PC with an RTX video card and that of a next-gen console," wrote Remedy's Communications Director.