Buy PS5: AMD expects further delays

But when will it finally be available again? buy, and even more interesting, when will it finally be the case that it is no longer at the mercy of particularly cheeky scalpers whether you get a Playstation 5 (buy now)?
According to chip manufacturer AMD, the is also responsible for individual parts inside Sony's next-gen, or now current-gen console, the situation should unfortunately not really improve in the foreseeable future. In the latest quarterly report of his company, AMD CEO Lisa Zu addressed this topic and said that there would be delivery problems at least in the entire first half of 2021 and most likely beyond.
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The dealer Euronics is currently also expecting longer waiting times for subsequent deliveries. In the last few days, numerous pre-orders, some of them from September, received their PS5 consoles, which meant that now buyers unfortunately looked through their fingers.
Source: Playfront