4,200-year-old necronomicon found in Egypt - Book of the Dead

International archaeologists, under the leadership of famed Egyptologist Dr. Xahi Hawass, have unearthed an afterlife guide from the more than 4,200-year-old mortuary temple of Queen Nearit. Nearit was the wife of Pharaoh Thetis, who ruled Egypt from 2323 BC to 2291 BC. In addition to the Necronomicon, a nearly 400 cm long papyrus roll that describes the paths that the deceased will have to face on his journey to the underworld, the treasure discovered by archaeologists includes over 50 wooden sarcophagi, a board game called Senet, a river boat complete with rowers, a statue of Prah-Sokar-Osiris, wooden masks, a shrine dedicated to Anubis, and a burial shrine dedicated to the Queen of the Old Kingdom. As reported in an official statement from Egypt's Ministry of Tourism and Antiquities, Dr. Hawass and his colleagues found the assorted coffins and relics from the New Kingdom era (1570-1069 BC) in 52 separate burial pits. These vast burial sites exist in what was once the capital of ancient Egypt, Memphis. Dr. Hawass Told CBS News
Excavation began in 2010 when we discovered a pyramid of a queen next to King Tethys pyramid, but we couldn't find a name inside the pyramid to tell us to whom the pyramid belonged. I had never heard of this queen before. Therefore, we are adding an important piece to Egyptian history.

The Egyptian Necronomicon contains the seventeenth chapter of the Book of the Dead, a manuscript that the ancient Egyptians provided to their dead so that they knew how to move in the afterlife and its ancient owner was called Pwkhaef, information that archaeologists have deduced from the hieroglyphs inscribed on the scroll. The same name was also found engraved on one of the wooden coffins found and on a collection of four shabti, sculptures which, according to the ancient Egyptians, were intended to serve the deceased. Dr. Hawass also reported that this Necronomicon is the longest papyrus so far found intact inside a burial pit.
You can find H. P. Lovecraft's Necronomicon at this link