10 startups on which the National Innovation Fund is betting

Agreement with the LVenture group. The alliance will be able to mobilize up to 6.5 million to support new businesses, from ecommerce to the hospitality sector
Information Technology should also use digital marketing experts Photo by StartupStockPhotos from Pixabay A synergy of investment in able to mobilize 6.56 million euros for the benefit of ten startups: it is the result of the latest public-private agreement between Cdp Venture capital and LVenture Group, which will foster digital innovation in various sectors, from fashion to construction, from food delivery insurance and more. The co-investment makes use of public funds for 2.46 million euros and resources from the holding listed on the MTA of the Italian Stock Exchange (750 thousand euros), to which several professional investors have joined.The operation has considering the use of the Accelerators Fund and the Italia Venture II Fund, endowed with a total of 135 and 150 million euros each, within the National Fund for Innovation of one billion. In this context, however, Cdp Venture capital activated a new instrument at the beginning of the year: the 200 million startup relaunch fund. Through a special portal, regulated or qualified investors can report startups and innovative SMEs that have recently concluded an investment round with them, or are about to conclude it, to receive a loan.
Funded initiatives
The ten startups that have just closed fundraising belong to the LVenture Group portfolio. Two look at the world of hospitality: Besafe Rate allows hotel customers to book an insured rate in the event of cancellation, guaranteeing earnings to the accommodation facility; Vikey allows remote opening of the doors of holiday homes, hotels and bed and breakfasts, thanks to hardware and software solutions.In the retail sector, eShoppingAdvisor helps to find the best ecommerce based on the desired product and the platforms to increase one's reputation; DrexCode allows you to rent designer clothing and accessories, with stylist service; Shampora e-commerce allows you to create and purchase personalized hair products thanks to a virtual assistant that analyzes their specific needs. Finally, Offlunch is a food delivery service aimed at company employees to easily and economically order lunch in the office.
In the business environment, the Confirmo app digitizes the processes relating to informed consent; EdilGo is an e-procurement software for the construction industry; Insoore helps insurance companies and fleet management companies optimize the claims management process, while Ipervox facilitates the creation of voice applications by helping companies to be found on Amazon Alexa, Google and Siri.
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