Useless but beautiful gifts to give at Christmas | Christmas 2020

Certainly yes, and after opening your eyes and doing our duty with this brief philosophical parenthesis, let's put aside any digressions and do what we do best as human beings (no, do not self-destruct), dedicating ourselves to useless shopping, whose power in the Christmas period is "over 9000!" . And therefore, we asked ourselves in the editorial office how far we could go in the field of uselessness in terms of Christmas gifts, exploring Amazon far and wide in search of objects that could be so beautiful, but also completely useless.
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Without too much surprise we found half an infinite number of ideas, with some of them even copied or recycled in different forms to suit different groups of buyers. Which - of course - did nothing but confirm our theory concerning the existence of an entire product sector made up of useless stuff. Among this plethora of trinkets and various trinkets, we have therefore selected those which, in our personal opinion, have proved to be the most useless but also the most beautiful and satisfying to possess. The result is a list of shopping tips that, we are sure, will come in very handy when the time comes to wrap your gifts at Christmas. In doing this we relied on Amazon which, as the market leader, has an immense catalog, as well as being the only one to guarantee rapid shipments in time for the holidays, especially if you are an Amazon Prime customer, service - in our opinion - to be signed absolutely in view of the holidays, especially considering the enormous savings that can be had in not paying the relative shipping costs!
Useless but beautiful gifts to give at Christmas
1 meter baguette pillow | € 21.99
There are those who hug a bear, those who hug a pillow, those who have their partner. You can do better and combine the comforting softness typical of a pillow with your passion for French bakery! This pillow recalls in all respects the appearance of a 1 meter baguette, except for the crunchiness of the crust and the crumbs that you could scatter between the sheets. Have you always wanted to sleep hugging a loaf of bread? So what better time to satisfy your fetish! Also available in 60 cm format !!!Game & Watch: Super Mario Bros | € 59.99
Ok, some might argue that this is not a useless object but, let's be honest: realistically, most will buy this reproduction of the Game & Watch to play it only a couple of times, only to leave it in the box for a indefinitely long time. Perhaps, a minority will not even discard it, leaving it as it is on display on the shelf, waiting for it to become a collector's item over time (which is likely ... of course not). Be that as it may, this reproduction of the classic Nintendo Game & Watch is certainly an object of rare beauty, as good for playing as it is for ... looking at the time, if you are stuck with the technology of 1980 of course.A fragment of the Moon | 39,90 €
Let's start from an assumption: it is not possible for us to say with certainty whether this is actually a piece of the Moon, a meteorite, or a pebble picked up on the asphalt of a Autogrill, however we cannot deny that the idea of giving someone a trinket from outer space is both fascinating and romantic. At a price of just € 39.90, the Météorites et Bijoux brand offers us this nice gift which, according to the description, seems to be nothing more than a piece of a lunar meteorite that fell in the middle of the Sahara in May 2015. The meteorite ( minimum size 2 x 2 mm) comes in a beautiful package, with a certificate of authenticity from the Natural History Museum in Paris, where the meteorite itself is kept. What is it for? Nothing, but it's beautiful and as a Christmas gift for a space lover it's perhaps one of the best things around!Gripping hand | € 13.32
Have you always wanted to have longer arms but always thought you had to settle for how mom made you? Well, from today there is a convenient solution for you! Thanks to this plastic gripping hand you can in fact satisfy your need to have one arm longer than the other! Equipped with 5 prehensile fingers and a comfortable ergonomic grip, this hand could be a precious ally in everyday life, allowing you to grab distant objects while remaining comfortably seated in place. Ok maybe none of this is true, but it is still beautiful.Super Frigo Bros | 12,90 €
With this particularly unfortunate title, we offer you as a wonderfully useless purchase this practical set of fridge magnets, consisting of 23 pieces and depicting some of the typical elements of the classic paths of the video game series dedicated to Super Mario. What are they for? Obviously not at all, but you will be able to spruce up your refrigerator with style, recreating a complex and elaborate “level” on its metal surface complete with Mario, Koopa, coins, blocks?, Clouds and so on. A simple, inexpensive but impressive gift for any lover of the Nintendo character.The tortilla blanket | € 19.84
After proposing the baguette pillow, it is obvious that we should propose at least one other item for your bed that is bakery-themed. What better choice, then, than this beautiful tortilla-shaped blanket, with which to wrap yourself like the filling of a warm and tasty burrito! Made of fleece, it has a diameter of 152 cm and is perfect both for decorating your bed and for warming up on your winter evenings. The top? Let yourself be enveloped by the love for Tex-Mex cuisine by completing everything with a beautiful avocado-flavored candle!Shoot beer caps | € 6.99
For less than € 7 we have found what is the ultimate accessory for any beer lover! It is basically a small pistol-shaped and spring-loaded gadget, able to uncork and then shoot bottle caps, so to speak we are talking about the crushed metal ones typical of glass bottles. Sure it won't save your life, but do you want to put the joys of a quick shootout between friends with caps? How do you say ?! Does it sound very dangerous? Maybe…Lava lamp | starting from about € 20
A must for furniture that has been useless since its creation (it was 1963), the Lava Lamps are nothing more than lamps that are too dim to be really useful, but still beautiful to look at thanks to the continuous movement of their liquid wax immersed in colored liquid. Back in vogue every few years as flared trousers, these lamps are available in various sizes and colors and, for some time, also in different shapes even if, being a typically 60s object, the real Lava Lamp must have necessarily - or at least in our opinion - the typical bullet shape, clearly it remains beautiful but useless in any case.Otamatone | € 36.99
Created in the late 90s by Maywa Denki, the otamatone is a toy musical instrument, consisting of a body in the shape of a musical note and on the central part of which there is a tone keyboard, while at the base there is a stylized mouth that must be pressed to emit the sound. The sound produced is quite unpleasant, but it is still capable of emitting various musical notes, so much so that it has become very famous on the net thanks to several videos of people who enjoy "playing" it to reproduce great classics of music of all times. Nice but completely useless, it is one of those beautiful objects that sooner or later everyone tries, but that nobody really wants to use.The useless box | € 14.29
What is a useless box? Simply a small mechanical parallelepiped that has nothing but an ignition lever. By activating the lever, the box opens with a slot from which a rod (or sometimes a small plastic hand, depending on the model) comes out, the movement of which deactivates the box. Basically you turn it on and it turns itself off immediately afterwards. More beautiful and useless than that…Money-shooting gun | € 18.99
The favorite of every self-respecting rapper on VEVO, this gun does nothing more than fire bursts of specially pre-loaded banknotes. He doesn't count them, he doesn't sort them: he just shoots them! Powered by batteries, the version we propose is sold directly with a small bundle of fake banknotes, with which you can build the set of your homemade gangsta-rap video. Obviously, owning the gun itself won't guarantee you fame or a billionaire deal with a record company but, hey, what a style!Nanoleaf Panels | € 183.35
Theoretically Nanoleaf panels should constitute a smart lighting system, and in the end it is, were it not that their price, in proportion to the light emitted, will still make you lean towards countless alternatives at prices lower, not least the Philips HUE line. You might argue that, however, nothing is as beautiful and flashy as Nanoleaf panels, which you can also arrange to create different geometric shapes and even rudimentary luminous designs (like musical notes and the like), and in that sense you would be right. Yet, on balance, this lighting system, while beautiful, remains far too expensive and useless and therefore more than worthy of this list.Projector for rainbows | € 16.99
Your passion is the rainbow, but don't you want to wait for rainy days? Well this is the solution to your problem! A light projector that does nothing but project a colored beam similar to a rainbow. Cute by day, spectacular by night, it gives any environment that poetic and magical touch that would make even a landfill pleasant. What a poem!Golf toilet set | € 11.79
No matter how old you are, if you are male then you will love to spend countless hours on the cup, whether it's for reading or reflecting on the highest systems, the Throne has been for centuries the place where man expresses himself himself… and his own bodily functions. Precisely for this reason, in recent years, there have been countless ideas to accompany man in the moment of encounter between loins and ceramics, the most successful of which is certainly this golf set complete with greens and holes. A perfect object to give your "sessions" a tone not only more relaxed and relaxed, but also incredibly professional. Just be careful not to hit the wrong "hole" with the ball.Inflatable dinosaur costume | € 49.99
The must of beauty combined with uselessness! Simply a tyrannosaurus costume that, thanks to a small internal fan, inflates giving shape to the dinosaur's body. Whether it's a birthday party, a wedding, a comic fair or a regular day at the office, this costume will instantly make you popular. Here is everything: beauty, charm, charisma and a sea of polluting and smelly second-hand plastic. But the style, for what there is no price!With this last article, our guide to useless purchases ends! Obviously we have much more to offer you in view of Christmas 2020, which is why we advise you to take a look at the more serious lists dedicated to shopping advice for everyone, with gift ideas even for less than € 10.00 (and no nasty surprises ).
Before leaving for shopping, therefore, we advise you to take a look at the many articles on our portal relating to Christmas 202 0, with gift ideas of all kinds and for all budgets. Do you want to know more? Then we suggest you take a look at our guides dedicated to ideas at low prices, with proposals within a limit of € 10, € 30, € 50 and over € 50.
The guides are already online, and are part of our editorial plan dedicated to Christmas, with which we will accompany you throughout the month of December with a long series of articles dedicated to our advice for purchases. Are you curious to read them all? Then all you have to do is take a look at our page dedicated to Christmas Gifts 2020.
Finally, we suggest you immediately subscribe to our Telegram channels dedicated to offers, where you can monitor all the best in real time promotions of the day, thus keeping the crazy discounts that will follow not only today, but also in the remaining days of the year at your fingertips. The Telegram channels are four, and are respectively dedicated to technology, hardware, smartphones and Chinese products, such as those of the Xiaomi, Redmi and Huawei brands.