The best PC games of 2020: The editorial team has voted

PC games 2020: Our top 10 in the video
But which games do our editors have particularly impressed? We voted internally and put together a list of ten PC highlights from this year that we can warmly recommend. In doing so, we expressly did not focus on the rating, genre or level of awareness, the main thing was: They had to be good PC games. Our top 10 can be found in the video review, which you can watch here.An important trend has continued this year: More and more large console titles are being ported from PS4 and Xbox One to the PC. In December 2019 we saw the implementation of the Halo Master Chief Collection and Detroit: Become Human, this year it was big titles like Death Stranding or Horizon: Zero Dawn. Unfortunately, the latter still had to struggle with technical difficulties when it was released, which is why it didn't make the jump into our list.
The release of the year: Cyberpunk 2077
Weak on the consoles, on the PC is fantastic for that: Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most important games of the year. Source: PC Games By far the biggest game of the year was undoubtedly Cyberpunk 2077, which was released on December 10, 2020 after years of hype. Too early, as has been shown: The sci-fi role-playing game gives a technically sad picture on the last-gen consoles, but the performance on the PS5 and Xbox One X also falls short of expectations. In the meantime, the developers of CD Projekt have admitted serious omissions, and the game has even been removed from the Playstation store. The clearly best cyberpunk experience is therefore enjoyed on the PC: If you have powerful hardware in the case, you will be delighted with the technically most rounded version, which also causes a sensation visually with higher pedestrian density and ray tracing effects. There are bugs and forgivable imperfections here too, but the bottom line is that the PC version is ahead in every respect and shows that Cyberpunk 2077 is actually ahead of the PC version in every respect. However, the game has also attracted more controversy than The Last of Us 2 - and that means something.jsIvwCode = 'g_vgz_ArticlePage_ImageCarousel_Games', iSiteId = '260', adblockLink = "/ E-Commerce topic -223039 / News / Die-Beste-Schnaeppchen-im-Internet-Spiele-Films-Elektronik-683186 / ", adblockLinkText =" Bargains • Alternate (including AMD Ryzen 5 3600 189.90 € and Ryzen 9 3900X 409 €) • NBB (including Viewsonic XG2703-GS WQHD / 165 Hz from € 419.80) • Samsung 870 QVO 1 TB € 86.90 • MMOGA (including Cyberpunk 2077 € 40.99) • PS Store January offers: Up to -50% • Saturn Gaming Weeks • MediaMarkt: White Christmas [advertising] "; Picture gallery (enlarge view for source information) The Galerie will be downloaded ...
imageList13641030 = [{"IMGPOS": 1, "URL": "/ screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/06 / Desperados3-PCGAMES-Test -Review047-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3405939 "," TITLE ":" Desperados 3 stages the finest Wild West tactics in Commandos style. [Source: PC Games] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 2 , "URL": "/ screenshots / 970x546 / 2019/06 / wasteland-3-artwork-2-pc-games.png", "ID": "3024989", "TITLE": "Wasteland 3 is a fantastic end time- Role-playing game that clearly outperforms its predecessor. [Source: inXile] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 3," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/02 / OriAndTheWillOfTheWisps-PCGAMES-Preview002-pc-games.jpg ", "ID": "3365218", "TITLE": "Playfully great, audiovisually stunning: Ori and the Will of the Wisps impressed us. [Source: PC Games]"}, {"IMGPOS": 4, "URL": "/screenshots/970x546/2020/12/Cyberpunk2077-Test-Stadia03-pc-games.jpg","ID":"3464586","TITLE":"Weak on the consoles, but fantastic on the PC: Cyberpunk 2077 is one of the most important games le of the year. [Source: PC Games] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 5," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/04 / Assassins-Creed-Valhalla-House-Carl-pc-games.jpg "," ID " : "3390088", "TITLE": "The Viking adventure Assassin \ 's Creed Valhalla builds on many of the strengths of Origins and Odyssey. [Source: Ubisoft] "}, {" URL ":" "," ID ":" 2 "," TITLE ":" Advertisement "}, {" IMGPOS ": 6," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/03 / DoomEternal-PCGAMES-Test-Review017b-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3372402 "," TITLE ":" No single player shooter this year was faster, more brutal or more thrilling than Doom Eternal. [Source: PC Games] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 7," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2019/11 / Half-Life-Alyx-Screenshot-2-pc-games.jpg "," ID " : "3332744", "TITLE": "Already great as a game, outstanding as a VR title: Half-Life: Alyx by Valve. [Source: Valve] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 8," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/07 / C152BaltimoreRain-buffed.PNG "," ID ":" 3421538 "," TITLE ":" Sometime will they say about flying: \ "Only the Flight Simulator is more beautiful! \" [Source: Asobo Studio / Microsoft] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 9," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/09 / CrusaderKings3-Review-001-pc-games.png "," ID ":" 3432431 "," TITLE ":" Crusader Kings 3 stages a fantastically complex medieval strategy. [Source: PC Games] "}, {" IMGPOS ": 10," URL ":" / screenshots / 970x546 / 2020/12 / Hades_Wallpaper_LongWinter_02-pc-games.jpg "," ID ":" 3467042 "," TITLE " : "The editorial team has voted: These are our PC games of the year 2020! [Source: Supergiant Games] "}, {" URL ":" "," ID ": 1," TITLE ":" More galleries "}];
PC games 2020: What were your highlights?
Which new PC games did you particularly like this year? Just write us your personal favorites as a comment under this message, regardless of whether it is Triple-A, indie insider tip, early access surprise, add-on or creative Mod: The main thing is that it will be released for the PC in 2020.By the way: We have already had our readers vote on their games of 2020. You can find the result and video here: Readers' survey: These are your favorite games of the year.
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