Tetris Effect: Connected with VR support on PC

The new version with integrated multiplayer of the The game therefore arrives in virtual reality on PC, with support for Steam VR and Oculus VR through the new update applied by the developers, waiting to see also the eventual support for PlayStation VR not yet available for the Connected version.
Tetris Effect: Connected, on the other hand, is currently only available on Xbox and PC through the Microsoft Store, with launch scheduled for summer 2021 also on PlayStation platforms. This is a corrected and extended revised version of Enhance's excellent reinterpretation of classic Tetris, introducing multiplayer mode as well as various other additions.
Among the features, as far as Xbox Series X is concerned, we find the 4K resolution and 60 frames per second but obviously not VR on Xbox, since the mode is not yet supported by Microsoft consoles, while it can already be found in the PC version with the various Oculus and Vive viewers.
To learn more, we refer you to the review of Tetris Effect: Connected.
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