PS5 and Xbox Series X: temperatures and noise compared

We have chosen to do it in real conditions, with the 2 machines in their normal environment of use, correctly assembled and positioned, but inside a soundproofed room so as to be able to record the real sound emissions in the best way. Of course we also enjoyed daring something forcing the 2 consoles to operate under stress and with very low air circulation, to simulate their positioning inside shelves, bookcases or furniture.
The result of our tests can be found within this video where we first explained our test methodologies, and then focus on the actual results. Where possible we have directly compared the consoles with the same video game, in other cases we have instead focused on exclusives. And now let's stop the chatter and let's see, in detail, how cold and silent the 2 exceptional consoles from Sony and Microsoft are.
The test methodology
Let's start with the methodology. The tests were carried out inside the video room of the Terni editorial office. It is a very large room, completely soundproofed and, at the time of the analyzes, with no equipment in operation. Ambient noise was therefore negligible.Both PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X have been analyzed in their vertical and horizontal position. In the case of PS5, always with the base installed in the console. With both machines we then took measurements in a situation of high stress: we placed them vertically and covered them with a box that left a few centimeters of ventilation space on the lower part of the hardware and a hole of 5 cm in diameter. on the top of the box for positioning the microphone so as to be able to detect any increases in noise caused by forced ventilation.
For the acquisition of the values we used the Flir One infrared camera installed on an Android One Plus smartphone 8 Pro and positioned about a meter away from the consoles to analyze the operating temperatures, while for what concerns the noise, we used the Meterk MK09 sound level meter positioned about 10 cm away from the console fan.
We must highlight 2 elements before proceeding with the results.
First of all the positioning of the sound level meter, microphone, tele rooms and consoles has always been the same so as to have measurements as comparable as possible without any kind of acoustic or visual pollution.
Secondly, it is clear that we must always keep in mind that, to date, there are no exclusives or truly next-gen cross-platform titles made to make the most of these machines. The results are therefore valid if placed in this precise time period. We cannot guarantee that 3 or 5 years from now, consoles will continue to be so cool and quiet with future video games.
Using the dashboard
Let's start with consoles in a situation semi stand-by: switched on, with the dashboard started and with very light use limited to just browsing the interface, settings, online store and main machine functions without starting apps or games. Positioning the machines vertically.As for Xbox Series X, the operating temperature has moved within a range between 29.5 degrees and 31.5 degrees with a maximum peak of about 32 degrees .
The noise generated by the fan, which has always moved between 38 and 38.5 decibilels, is extremely more stable.
Moving on to PlayStation 5 we have an operating temperature that moves at inside a scissor with the 2 extremes represented by 34.5 degrees and 36.5 degrees with a maximum peak of 37 degrees.
Even in the case of PS5 the noise is much more stable with a sound perceived by the sound level meter between 37.5 and 38 decibels.
From these very first values it results that, in a particularly light situation of use, PS5 tends to reach a higher operating temperature of approximately 5 degrees in the face, however, of a slightly lower fan noise. Let it be clear that we are talking about absolutely negligible values and practically not perceptible to a human being and therefore only useful for a purely numerical comparison.
Results with video games
Let's now pass to the use of the 2 consoles with 2 recent video games: Marvel's Spider-Man: Miles Morales for PS5 and Watch Dogs: Legion for Series X. An exclusive that has its roots in an old-gen engine and structure for the Sony console and a cross-platform cross-platform title -gen made by Ubisoft and not particularly optimized in its launch version, the one we used. In both cases we ran the title for an hour before proceeding with the temperature and noise measurements.Our tests then took place in 3 different conditions: the consoles vertically, horizontally and in a situation with low air circulation.
Let's start from the Xbox vertically. Watch Dogs: Legion made the console reach a temperature that fluctuated between 49.5 and 50 degrees with a noise level of 38 decibels.
Placing the console horizontally we detected a slightly lower operating temperature and able to vary between 46.5 and 47 degrees with a variable noise level between 38.2 and 38.6 decibels.
Absolutely identical therefore the noise between the 2 console positions while the temperatures are slightly lower with the console positioned horizontally. Probably this has to do with the greater surface on which the heat can be distributed which, moving naturally upwards, does not concentrate all on the upper grille but is also partly distributed on the console chassis.
Let's move on then to PS5 vertically. Spider-man: Miles Morales made the console reach a variable temperature between 49 and 50 degrees. A value therefore extremely close to that of Series X even if with a wider spectrum. The noise level instead oscillated between 41 and 41.5 decibels.
Even in the case of PS5, the console placed horizontally recorded slightly lower operating temperatures between 47.5 and 48.5 degrees. in the face of an almost identical noise level ranging between 40.8 and 41.4 decibels.
Placing a box on the consoles, the temperatures rise but without this affecting the operation and noise of the consoles.
Series X recorded a variable temperature between 54 and 55 degrees with a noise level between 36.8 and 37.4 decibels thanks to the greater soundproofing of the system due to the presence of the box.
Even PS5 was between 50 and 51 degrees, showing no substantial differences compared to normal use, probably thanks to the numerous points of entry and exit of the air that compensate for the reduced circulation due to the presence of the box. The noise level was between 39.2 and 39.8 decibels. Clearly, even in the case of PlayStation 5, the additional soundproofing guaranteed by the box takes over.
It is therefore really difficult to elect a winner in real use situations with the most recent titles since both consoles have proven to have a excellent dissipation and practically imperceptible general noise. PS5 in the long run has shown us to be able to withstand temperatures slightly lower than those of Series X, especially with the consoles placed vertically but, in contrast, has a fan that emits a hiss that is slightly louder than the noise generated by the competing console. .
However, we want to underline that in conditions of real use, with the ambient noise typical of a house, an office or a studio and with the console placed at a reasonable distance, it is practically impossible to realize that PS5 and Series X are on, with any title running among those available today.
Results with Red Dead Redemption 2
Before concluding the video we decided to carry out a further test, very quick, to further highlight the technological milestone achieved by the PS5 and Series X dissipation and ventilation systems. We therefore ran Red Dead Redemption 2 on these 2 consoles and on Xbox One X and PlayStation 4 Pro by analyzing the noise produced by the machines after an hour of play in the same test environment.As for the new consoles, their positioning was vertical, while the old-gen machines were positioned horizontally.
As for Series X and PS5, the values are absolutely in line with those previously recorded while playing a video game: around 38 decibels for the Microsoft console and around 41 decibels for the Sony console.
The results relating to old-gen machines are much more interesting.
In the case of Xbox One X, the values measured with the sound level meter stood on a very broad spectrum due to the continuum change of speed and therefore of noise, of the fan: we therefore moved from 45 to 48 decibels, touching on a couple of occasions even 49 decibels.
Unfortunately, the noise of PlayStation 4 Pro and our tests have once again confirmed the sad results: Sony's now old console with Red Dead Redemption 2 has moved between 48 and 52 decibels, touching and even exceeding 53 decibels in some game situations.
Our hope is that they will never arrive again to touch similar noise peaks with the new consoles and, at least for what concerns our experience of use in recent weeks, we feel optimistic and hopeful.
We sincerely hope that this in-depth study on temperatures and noise is to your liking and we invite you to give us your feedback below in the comments, not sparing any criticisms or special requests.