Pinterest will have to compensate one of its former employees for gender discrimination

Former Pinterest chief operating officer Françoise Brougher has won her lawsuit against the social media giant, which will have to give her more than $ 22 million - the largest individual compensation for such a case
( photo: Thomas Trutschel / Photothek via Getty Images) On December 14, Pinterest agreed to compensate a former employee, Françoise Brougher, who accused the company of gender discrimination with a sum of $ 22.5 million. In detail, the lawsuit filed by Brougher last August alleged that Pinterest had started bullying her (then chief operating officer), excluding her from meetings and, ultimately, firing her in April 2020, after Brougher had complained. of the gender pay gap within the company and had reported sexist comments from a colleague.The one achieved by Brougher and Pinterest is one of the largest individual compensation agreements for gender discrimination. In addition, approximately 2.5 million dollars of the liquidation will be donated to NGOs that deal with the empowerment of minorities in the technology sector. The social networking giant, which bases its business on photo sharing and is known for having a strong female user base, said the action was part of a broader effort to "improve its corporate culture" .
Brougher's denunciation, in fact, defines Pinterest as an “inhospitable environment for women and minorities”. The case of the former operations director has arisen amid other criticisms of sexism and racism from some former black female employees. After Brougher made her accusations public, some Pinterest staff members organized a strike and a petition in solidarity with former colleagues.
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