Outpost 31: from the state of the art to the art in comics.

Outpost 31 - 04/12/2020
Is comics art? It is a question that critics have often asked themselves when determining the boundary between what for some is a profession, perhaps of a high level, and which for others is an expression of the creative genius that counts it among the muses of the classical tradition. But what happens when comics are about art? This will be the common thread of today's episode of Outpost 31 which will start from the use of comics to convey works of art as in the case of "Stella and the Scottante Fresco" a mix between an illustrated story and a cartoon drawn by Valentino Villanova and written by Fred Dalla Rosa, who will be a guest in the studio, to enhance a masterpiece by Giambattista Tiepolo among the younger generations.A path that will touch the recent initiative 'Comics in museums' which collected 51 Comics that tell the contemporaneity of Italian museums through the pencil of some of the most famous cartoonists on the national scene and of which we will try to make a balance together with Ratigher, author and editorial director of Coconino Press. But the panorama will expand further with the intervention of Onofrio Catacchio to talk about his graphic novel 'Pollock Confidential', which investigates an aspect perhaps not known to all of the career of the great American artist. In fact, the political plot hidden behind the artist is explored: a plot that mixes art and secret services, against the backdrop of tensions between the United States and the Soviet bloc in the midst of the Cold War.
With Diego Cajelli instead we will go to rediscover an era-defining television content "The sign of command" aired for the first time in 1971 and now available again on Rai Play. In those days, television series weren't called series yet, and they weren't even called telefilms. They were called: dramatized. Five episodes that kept millions of viewers nailed to the screen week after week and which, to stay on topic with the broadcast, see the characters move in the art environment. As always, we will conclude the live broadcast with the intervention of Luca Bellin from the SuperGulp comic shop who will introduce us to the titles available in comics on the biographies of the greatest artists in history.