Ori and the Will of the Wisps: Did you get this game for Christmas? Discover our walkthrough

Ori 2: Story Missions Walkthrough
In this part of the Ori and the Will of the Wisps walkthrough, we will cover everything touches on the unfolding of the main storyline. These are essentially the missions necessary for the progression of the game scenario, and each time, we will try to give you the path allowing you to get out of it without a hitch:Prologue Awakening The Missing Key In Howl's lair The guardian of the Marsh The silent teeth The silent teeth The fallen friend The wish of the wisps The highest peak Lost in paradise Good foot good eye In the quicksand
Secondary missions
This section of the solution of Ori and the Will of the Wisps, gathers all our walkthroughs concerning the course of the secondary missions. These are quests that are not essential to the progression of the main storyline, but which will often allow you to collect Spiritual Light, obtain new powers and / or skills, or discover new places:Mornonde Marshes Kwolok Cave Source Glades The Source - The Lost Compass Silence Wood - The Tree Guardian Tormented Wastes - Rough Diamond Luma Pools - Kwolok's Wisdom
Items to collectable
This section concerns all collectibles from Ori and the Will of the Wisps. During your wanderings through the different levels, you will be able to discover a host of things to discover. Gorlek ore, fragments of co or energy, Spiritual Light and other Spiritual Fragments will allow you to strengthen your character:Gorlek Ores Location of Fragments Spiritual Fragments Energy Cell Fragments Life Cell Fragments Spiritual Light Seeds
Sanctuaries and Pedestals
This section groups together the locations of Sanctuaries and Pedestals. These are special places spread throughout the world of Ori which will offer you different events to test your abilities (combat, navigation, speed, etc.). Completing these challenges will allow you to obtain very useful rewards for the progress of your adventure, and we strongly encourage you to go and try them out:Pedestal Shrines
In the last part of the Ori and the Will of the Wisps walkthrough, the different skills that you will be able to obtain throughout the game are listed. Most will allow you to either move more easily in the different environments, or face the dangers you will face, and you can discover them by following the main missions. However, you will be able to discover certain other skills by exploring the levels, and by browsing the side missions:Also read:
Our test of Ori and the Will of the Wisps Summary Complete guide to Ori and the Will of the Wisps