Microsoft Flight Simulator, the best way to travel from home

In other words Microsoft Flight Simulator is a small technical miracle, a game that seems to have come from the future, intended to be played for a long time, also thanks to the enormous support that Asobo Studio and many fans are giving it.
In the Azure, painted by Azure
Let's face it, the many promises made by Microsoft about the benefits we would have from cloud gaming have been largely overlooked. At least so far. Microsoft Flight Simulator, in fact, only connected to the network can offer the best of itself. Only in this way, in fact, will we be able to have real-time updates of the climatic conditions and even a realistic air traffic simulation.If this last feature could be something that only flight enthusiasts could appreciate, the first option exerts a truly universal appeal. In fact, there were many people who during the first weeks of Microsoft Flight Simulator's life flew into the eye of a hurricane to see how the incredible game engine had managed to replicate this incredible meteorological phenomenon.
Leaning on external servers also allows the game to be able to manage a huge amount of data in a relatively less expensive way for our PCs, as well as being constantly updated on the state of affairs or at least on the version most recent of the Bing maps available to the public.
Microsoft Earth
Microsoft Flight Simulator, in fact, allows you to fly above, or rather inside, the three-dimensional version of its map system . Sure, you're much more likely to have heard of Google Earth, but the gist is the same. Since not all areas of the world can be scanned with the same precision and accuracy as Manhattan, the game uses algorithms to give three-dimensional maps that would be 2D.The result is sometimes not perfect, but anyone, we believe, was able to find their home without much difficulty. One thing that, we imagine, was the first that was done as soon as the game was started.
We, for example, have lost more time than we like to admit going back and forth between Milan and Lugano, to fly over the Milanese hinterland and the Intelvi Valley, two places to which we are linked.
And if the Lombard capital and its surroundings enjoy a more precise photogrammetric realization, the Como mountains are absolutely recognizable and it is easy to find every single building in its place. Furthermore, relying on online data, as we said, allows the game to auto-update and always show the most recent version of the material available to Microsoft.
In recent weeks, for example, the maps have been improved of Japan and the USA, as well as resolved the problems of Brazil, where a huge chasm had opened, fortunately virtual. But not only that: Asobo has also added new building archetypes, so that the artificial intelligence has more types of buildings to draw on in case it does not have the real data, so as to offer the best possible simulation.
For everyone, despite everything
One of the most surprising things about Microsoft Flight Simulator is how modern it is from the point of view of design. It is really a game for all types of gamers, they will then decide if what this experience offers is right for them.For example Microsoft Flight Simulator is perfect for those on a budget. Just an Xbox Game Pass and the game is available free of charge on PC and (soon) Xbox or Android. Lots of free content and the self-updating nature of the project keep Microsoft Flight Simulator fresh at all times. We also challenge you to fly across the map if you dare.
But if you are super fans you can buy the most expensive edition of the game which allows you to have a higher number of airports and airplanes, as well as download the (very expensive) DLCs that crowd the game store. You can even go to Costa Smeralda and fly on the Billionaire to show off your wealth.
The same is also reflected in the hardware profile: by configuring everything to the minimum we were able to make it run worthily even on a laptop with a Ryzen 3700u. And we still had room to go down. In addition, Asobo should also publish the game on Xbox One, a hardware now no longer of the first hair.
As always, however, those who can afford a PC of the latest generation, with command stick and soon also a viewer VR will be able to enjoy an exaggerated show, really able to make us forget for a few moments the fact that we have been locked up at home for too many months.
These people, moreover, will be able to push the simulation to the maximum, canceling all types helping and managing firsthand communications with the flight tower or other pilots. But even those who don't even know how to ride a bicycle can set everything to automatic and enjoy the journey, simply admiring the landscape and occasionally attempting a few extra turns to better see a place of interest.
Perfect? No, almost
Are we talking about a perfect game? No, but we get very, very close. And it is not certain that those defects cannot be solved in the coming months with the continuous support from Asobo. For example, the download and content management section has been greatly improved: at the beginning the game installed everything and did it through a very slow screen with monotonous and relentless music. However, a way should be found to ensure that not only the client auto-updates itself, so as not to be faced with 5-10GB surprises when starting the game.It could also improve the game even further. interface in order to clarify the flight objectives, or the management of options. Even the graphic ones, in order to easily find the configuration that best suits us.
From these things, however, it is easy to understand that you are nit picking and Microsoft Flight Simulator is already one of the most complete, advanced and impressive games on the market. Let alone how it will become in the future, when the French studio continues with the expansion and improvement work.
An amazing, flexible, intelligent and beautiful game to look at. Suitable for everyone, even those who want to dream of traveling on the infinite African savannah, despite being stuck in Paderno Dugnano with fog.