Kena: Bridge of Spirits more and more fascinating in the new images

After the images published a few days ago, the team continued to arouse the curiosity of fans with a series of tweets even in the days of the holidays and surroundings, thus allowing you to see other glimpses of this interesting action adventure coming to PC, PS4 and PS5.
After the postponement announced last September, Kena: Bridge of Spirits is now scheduled for the first quarter of 2021 and should not experience further delays, as recently reported by the developers, who in the meantime continue to show the state of work with published images.
A distinctive feature of the game is the fact that the protagonist is able to control different creatures called Rot, or those little beings the blacks that are also seen in the new images, with the possibility of using them to solve puzzles or in combat.
It is possible to collect up to 100 of them and apparently, in the PS5 version, they can all be viewed simultaneously on the screen, something that will not happen on PS4 due to the obvious difference in computational calculation possible on the two platforms.
Below we report the various tweets from Ember Lab and the new images collected in the gallery dedicated to Kena: Bridge of Spirits.
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