How did the Christmas cashback go

Phase one of the government's campaign to stimulate digital payments is due. Refunds from February. 90.6 million refunds accrued
(Photo: Artur Debat / Getty Images) The extra Christmas cashback is running out. The experimental phase of the program, with which the government has launched the Italy cashless plan to incentivize traceable payments and combat tax evasion, closes on December 31st and the state cashback will start from January 1st. So there are a couple of days left to try to accumulate the 10% refund on the expenses made in the shops with cards and electronic payment methods.Some numbers can help to draw up a balance of the measure up to this point. After the difficulties of the departure, the technical problems related to the registration of payment methods and the precautions in the choice of payment circuits, according to the latest data released by Palazzo Chigi, the payment methods activated to participate in the program were approximately 9.7 million, while as regards the total accumulation of reimbursements accrued by the participants we are talking about 90.6 million euros.
In the plans of the measure, the maximum reimbursement provided for the Christmas extra cashback is 150 euros , a figure that can only be reached in the face of 1,500 euros spent by 31 December. Furthermore, we remind you that you need at least 10 transactions to receive refunds.
Always up to December 31, for those who have not already done so during the registration phase, it is also possible to register or modify their Iban, on which to starting from February 2021 Consap, the public insurance service concessionaire appointed by the government to provide reimbursements, will begin crediting the reimbursements accrued by each participant in the program.
As indicated on the Twitter profile of the Io app, within 10 days of the end of the validity period of the extra cashback, the total calculation of valid transactions carried out and the total refund will be visible in the "card" section accumulated during this experimental phase.
Overall, it will therefore be necessary to wait to understand whether the measure is effective or not. At the moment it is certain that there have been quite a few problems in the start-up phase and criticisms from associations of traders and companies have not been spared, especially for the fact that it has chosen to favor purchases in physical stores at a time in stores are deeply affected by closures and new containment measures.
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