From today, Italy is the orange zone: what can be done until December 30th

On the days of 28, 29, 30 December and 4 January, all of Italy becomes the orange zone: movements are allowed in one's own municipality and the shops will remain open until 9 pm
(photo: Ipa) According to the law decree of 18 December launched by the government to counter the spread of Covid-19 during the current holiday period, from 28 to 30 December Italy becomes the orange zone, and then returns to the red zone from 31 December to 3 January 2021. Also on Monday 4 January will again be the orange zone, while on 5 and 6 January the red lockdown will be re-entered. But what does the orange zone mean?Traveling
On 28th, 29th, 30th December and 4th January, all over the peninsula are allowed to move within one's own municipality, between 05.00 and 22.00. The night curfew remains in force (and between 31 December and 1 January it is extended from 22 to 07 in the morning). Like the red zone days, it is also allowed to travel within one's own region to visit family and friends, but only once a day and only in the number of two visitors per private home.This maximum of two people who move, however, can always bring with them children under the age of 14 and / or any disabled or non self-sufficient cohabitants, with no limits on number.
Furthermore, always during 28, 29 , December 30 and January 4, those who live in a municipality of 5 thousand inhabitants can move freely, in the time slot between 05 and 22, within a radius of 30 kilometers from the municipal border (therefore possibly also in another region). Even if it is forbidden to go to the provincial capitals, it is always possible to move to reach the minor children housed with the other parent (or foster), or to take them to their homes, even between different municipalities.
In any case, in the orange zone as in the red one, the exceptions to the ban on travel for reasons of health, work and necessity remain in force. Sources from Palazzo Chigi have also specified that it is always possible to go to second homes within the same region during the entire holiday period, ie from 24 December to 6 January.
Outdoor walks and religious functions
For walks and physical activities, between 05.00 and 22.00, it is possible to reach parks and public gardens within your own Municipality or, in the absence of these, those of the neighboring Municipality closest to your own ( unless otherwise specified by local authorities) on condition of strict compliance with the ban on gathering. Access by minors, together with family members or other people usually living together or in their care, is allowed to play areas in parks, villas and public gardens, to carry out play or recreational activities outdoors.Attending religious services is also allowed between 05.00 and 22.00. It is also possible to move between different territorial areas to attend the funeral of close relatives or a single remaining relative, always in compliance with all prevention and safety measures .
Commercial activities
On 28, 29, 30 December and 4 January, all catering activities (including bars, pastry shops and ice cream parlors) are open exclusively for sale by takeaway, allowed from 5 to 22, and for home delivery, allowed without time limits.Shops can remain open until 21. Retail commercial activities can be carried out on condition that in addition to the interpersonal distance of at least one meter, deferred entrances within the sales premises are also ensured.
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