From Pagobancomat to Maestro: to get cashback, pay attention to the payment circuits

From Pagobancomat to Maestro: to get cashback, pay attention to the payment circuits

Cards traveling on dual circuits can have problems recognizing cashback transactions. Here's what to do in these cases

(Photo: Ipa) A little more than a week after the official departure of the Italia Cashless plan with the launch of the Christmas extra-cashback, there are still doubts to be resolved and aspects to which the citizens must pay particular attention to be able to guarantee the actual accumulation of the reimbursement of 10% on the expenses incurred. Payment does not always automatically guarantee recognition of the cashback due to problems with the chosen circuit.

Pagobancomat circuits

In particular, the problem encountered mainly concerns contactless payments made with credit cards. debt. Some of these cards travel on a double circuit such as Pagobancomat and Maestro or Pagobancomat and V-Pay. In these cases, it may happen that only payments made with the national Pagobancomat circuit can guarantee the accumulation of cashback, while in the event that the Pos is set on the international Maestro or V-Pay circuit, the transaction is not valid for reimbursement. through the Io app, as you can also read in the part of the site dedicated to payment methods.

To overcome this problem it is better to explicitly ask that the national Pagobancomat circuit be used at the time of payment. Alternatively, the card must be registered on the Io app both in the cards section of the Pagobancomat circuit and in the "credit, debit or prepaid card" section, by entering the number, code and making a verification payment of the amount of a few cents, as PagoPa points out.

But for this step it is necessary that the card has been enabled to make online payments, otherwise it is not possible to associate it with your cashback program profile. Another solution is represented by the registration of the card through the channels made available by other affiliated issuers or through other apps such as those of Poste Italiane, Nexi or Satispay.

The Maestro case

PagoPa, the company that manages the Io app, has also made it known that from January, on the occasion of the start of the cashback program, it will be released a new version of the application that will allow easier registration of that type of cards. At the moment, however, it seems that there is still no agreement between PagoPa and the Maestro circuit.

Another case in which purchases made are not recognized for the accumulation of cashback is that which concerns non-affiliated devices. If the Pos of a merchant, for example, is not provided by one of the so-called "Acquirer" agreements, ie companies that have entered into an agreement with PagoPa, the payment in that year will not give the right to a refund.

Attention to apps

Finally, as we read on Il Post, there are paid apps such as Cashback di Stato - Italia or “Cashback di Stato Italia App that many users are downloading in the belief of to be able to use them to participate in the program, but in reality these are applications that only serve to calculate 10% of a figure and do not allow registration to the state cahback. We remind you that the main app that allows you to register for the program is the Io app, which can be accessed via Spid, in addition to the payment systems and apps made available by companies affiliated with PagoPa.

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