Facebook attacks Apple because it increases the privacy of its users

The social network lashes out against Cupertino, which limits the sharing of data for personalized advertising. The accusation is of jeopardizing the business of SMEs
(Photo by Alex Wong / Getty Images) Facebook chooses the pages of the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post to reignite the clash with Apple on the matter to its new advertising and privacy policy. The social network giant has published a message on the three newspapers in which it takes sides against Cupertino and in favor of small businesses around the world, defending commercial activities that use personalized online advertising services to promote their products and intercept new customers. .The message posted by Facebook in the New York Times, the Washington Post and the Wall Street Journal on December 16, 2020 (Photo: Facebook) The disagreements on the issue arose during the summer, when Apple announced that with the new operating system iOs 14 there is also the obligation for app developers to ask users for permission to use the navigation data for advertising and commercial purposes, one of the most used tools for personalized advertisements by some companies that support the social network.
Operators like Facebook and Google have moved against this functionality. But now the Menlo Park company adds to the dose with this new attack, also claiming in a post signed by the vice president of the advertising and products section of Facebook, Dan Levy, that the new Apple policy could hit hard especially small merchants. causing a drop in online sales revenue estimated to be around 60%.
Facebook appeals to the fact that many businesses that have been affected by the closures and measures put in place to counter the Covid-19 emergency and therefore have increased their online activity. And many have resorted to Facebook's services to deliver targeted advertising.
Facebook also accuses Apple of taking advantage of this new privacy and tracking policy to foster its own personalized advertising system. The thesis is that developers working with Apple will at that point be induced to turn to an internal system, also facilitating the subscription system and the much criticized in-app purchasing system.
For its part, Cupertino rejects the charges, reiterating that the new app tracking transparency policy will only serve to give Apple users greater control and greater assurance on the ways in which their data is collected and used. Like the label system to specify how much data each application collects. The game is open.
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