Demons Souls: Find Ceramic Coins and Open Secret Door - Tips on Locations

Ceramic Coins demon souls
Highlight recent changes Yes No In Demon's Souls Remaster for PS5, find the ceramic coins to open the secret door in the Palace of Boletaria. We offer you tips on the locations of the Ceramic Coins and explain the requirements for finding the new items. First you have to unlock the mirror mode Fractured, then you experiment with the world tendencies in the individual levels. Warning: These ceramic coins did not exist in the PlayStation 3 original from Demon's Souls. Developer Bluepoint Games added the coins especially for the remake. Update: More Ceramic Coins were found by players in Demon's Souls in the corresponding world trends.Before you go on the hunt for the ceramic coins in Demon's Souls for PlayStation 5, you get 25,000 souls. At the statue in the Nexus in the middle below you activate the Fractured Mode (Shattered World). You enjoy Demon's Souls then mirrored. You will only receive the Ceramic Coins in the mirrored world. So far, players have found a total of eleven of these coins, but only in the world trends Pure White (Pure White World Tendency) or Pure Black (Pure Black World Tendency). We list the previously known locations as follows. At the moment it seems very likely that more coins will appear. You should destroy all boxes and inventory for this.
Reading tip: This is how you influence the world tendency and character tendency in Demon's Souls
Demon's Souls Ceramic Coins
1 Ceramic coins - Pure White World Tendency (Weltentendenz Pure White) 2 ceramic coins - Pure Black World Tendency (Weltentendenz Pure Black)Ceramic Coins - Pure White World Tendency (Weltentendenz Pure White)
The following Ceramic Coins are only available in Demon's Souls for PS5 with pure, white world trend.1-1 - Palace of Boletaria, first section: After you have saved Ostrava, two soldiers break through a door in a room. Destroy the furniture in this room.
1-3 - Palace of Boletaria, third section: In the side area after the start of the third level section, after the guards have opened the side path (ninjas and boulders on the stairs) . As soon as you climb the small ladder, you will find a locked door. Break the box there to collect the ceramic coin.
1-3 - Palace of Boletaria, third section: In the courtyard, where you can see the fog gate to the boss, a Primeval Demon spawns. Take the upper path and break a box in the corner where the crows are flying away.
2-2 - Stone trap catacomb, second section: At the bottom of the lava hole with the many beetles. Break up rubble on one of the islands to collect the coin.
3-1 - Tower of Latria, first section: In a small cell with a torture chair near the ball-like opponent made of bodies who shoots at the player. Break the chair and take the coin.
4-1 - Shrine of Storms, first section: In the cell of the grave robber Blige. Break a box in the corner.
* New * 5-2 - Valley of Desecration, second section: Follow the path on the scaffolding up to the wall of smoke until you reach the end and can jump down. Sprint down once and look towards the wall. Drop onto the near edge between the wall and the platform. You land on a ledge with a box. Destroy the box. Warning: the ceramic coin cannot emerge. In this case, return to the Nexus and run to the point again.
Ceramic coins - Pure Black World Tendency
Ceramic coins in pure black world tendency are collected in Demon's Souls Remake in the following levels.1-2 - Palace of Boletaria, second section: On the upper floor at the fog gate to the Tower Knight you take the stairs up. Destroy the table by the winch that holds the drawbridge.
* New * 1-3 Palace of Boletaria, third section: Before the two black phantoms of the Fat Officals spawn, you will find a railing over which you can go on the right can climb over it. Break the barrel underneath and take the coin.
2-1 - Stone trap catacomb, first section: In the open area of the lava lizards, after you have been attacked by dogs, take the wooden walkway down and break the wooden boxes near the melting pot.
3-1 - Tower of Latria, first section: Staircase on the path behind the ballista towards the tower that lines the path to the boss idol. At the foot of the stairs in the courtyard at the cul-de-sac at the bars you will find boxes that you destroy.
4-2 - Shrine of Storms, second section: At the bottom of the abyss into which Patches pushes you. Destroy the boxes in the corner by the extremities.
5-2 - Valley of Desecration, second section: In the area in front of the fog gate to the colossus of dirt you destroy boxes to collect the ceramic coin.
13 ceramic coins have been found in Demons Souls now. I wonder if that’s really all of them. Would certainly make sense.
— Lance McDonald (@manfightdragon) November 26, 2020
More coins are certainly hidden in the worlds of Demon's Souls Remake for PS5. As soon as we find out more locations, we will provide this article with an update. If you can find more ceramic coins, tell us the locations in the comment area. According to Demon's Souls Wiki on, you need 26 ceramic coins to get the rusted key for the secret door in the palace of Boletaria, third section. To get the corresponding number of coins, you have to play through it several times. By the way, behind the secret door you will find the armor of the penetrator.