Cyberpunk 2077: Serious technical problems on PS4 and Xbox One

The thread creator reports a "terrible optimization on the PS4". This affects, for example, some textures that should only be loaded two to three seconds after you can already see them. "For example, you look at a large box - and a few seconds later it suddenly turns into a car," reports the user. With The Witcher 3 that could not be compared. In the comments section, players report similar glitches, bitter pop-ups, crashes and other graphics problems. A clip published on Twitter, for example, shows the long loading of the textures on PS4 - and streets almost empty. There are also reports of low resolutions and refresh rates.
Recommended editorial content Here you will find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. At first it is unclear whether the numerous videos that are currently making the rounds on the Internet were actually created with an installed Day-One update. CD Projekt Red recently said that the patch should remove a number of bugs from the game world. On the consoles it is even "a different game" with the update. Before starting the game, make sure you have installed the update. After short tests on PS4 and Xbox One, we can confirm some of the technical problems. On the last-gen consoles, there are unsightly reloads, stutters and sometimes washed-out textures. Cyberpunk 2077 (buy now € 53.60) runs more smoothly on PS5 and Xbox Series X. Our detailed report will follow soon - we only received access to the console versions late.
Recommended editorial content Here you can find external content from [PLATTFORM]. To protect your personal data, external integrations are only displayed if you confirm this by clicking on "Load all external content": Load all external content I consent to external content being displayed to me. This means that personal data is transmitted to third-party platforms. Read more about our privacy policy . External content More on this in our data protection declaration. PC players also report technical problems on Steam or GOG. Video game journalist Jason Schreier writes on Twitter, for example, that tiny trees can be seen in his game - for example on the carpets in apartments. However: After downloading the new Nvidia drivers, the problem should have been resolved. PC gamers are therefore strongly advised to install the latest drivers for AMD and Nvidia graphics cards. In our review of Cyberpunk 2077 for PC you can read more information. Aside from the bugs and glitches, the action role-playing game on PC shines with a detailed game world, great characters and entertaining side tasks.
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