Cyberpunk 2077: saves exceeding 8MB may become corrupted

The alarm has gone off. on Reddit by user MagicTacoSauce, but it was confirmed by the assistance of GOG, CD Projekt's digital store, who in a message explained:
"Unfortunately the save is damaged and cannot be recovered. Please use an old save file to continue playing, reducing the number of items and materials for crafting. If you have used the item duplication glitch, please load a save that is not affected. The size limit of the save files may have increased in one of the next patches, but the corrupt files will remain so. "
In short, if you are one of those who love to collect all this in video games llo that they find around, you will not be too happy with the news. To check the size of your save files, follow the instructions provided by the reddit user modsharearebattyboys:
PC -% userprofile% \ Saved Games \ CD Projekt Red \ Cyberpunk 2077 PlayStation 4 - Settings> Application Saved Data Management> SAVED DATA IN SYSTEM STORAGE> Cyberpunk 2077 PlayStation 5 - Settings> STORAGE> [Storage device]> Saved Data> PS4 Games / PS5 Games> Cyberpunk 2077 Xbox One - My Games and Apps> Cyberpunk 2077> Menu > Manage Game> SAVED DATA Xbox Series X | S - My Games and Apps> Cyberpunk 2077> Menu> Manage Game and add-ons> SAVED DATA
Playing without excessive accumulators you shouldn't be affected by the problem, but it is better keep an eye on the situation so as not to have any nasty surprises, while always remaining aware that Cyberpunk 2077 also has much more fun bugs to offer.