Cyberpunk 2077, the old gen versions are embarrassing, according to users

On PS5 and Xbox Series X the situation is better, but it must be considered that there are still very few owners of next-gen consoles and that, in any case, the greater hardware power cannot solve the many problems encountered. Of course we are talking about the version with the launch patch installed, therefore, theoretically, the one considered salable by the publisher.
Original news:
The first clips of Cyberpunk 2077 for consoles are starting to appear online old gen, especially many are playing it on PS4, which remains the most popular platform. Unfortunately there is no good news, as the game appears in less than optimal condition, to put it mildly.
As you can see in the clip below, the main problem is the marked reduction in graphic quality, with phenomena such as 3D models that take a few seconds to be fully loaded (including textures), first showing themselves in a low-poly version, and a very low population density of the streets of Night City compared to that seen in promotional films.
Someone has already begun to malign by claiming that CD Projekt Red reluctantly showed the old gen versions of the game because they are still immature. However the clips may have been recorded from a pre-patch version of the game's launch, the would still allow us to hope for a profound improvement in the last hour.
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For the rest we remind you that to get more information about the game, just read our review of Cyberpunk 2077.