Cyberpunk 2077, first complaint: a class action accuses CD Projekt RED

The first official legal action comes from the Rosen Law Firm of New York, which is gathering a series of grievances from mainly shareholders against CD Projekt RED and Cyberpunk 2077, in particular regarding the discrepancy between the pre-launch communication from the company and the state in which the game actually entered the market.
The class action was filed in the California court in the past few hours and is still in its early path: from what has emerged so far, it seems that the legal action was organized by the shareholders and does not seem to concern, for the moment, the users of the game.
The accusation on which the doc is based Increase is the fact that CD Projekt RED provided "false or misleading" information about the state of Cyberpunk 2077. Specifically, the accusers report that the company has reported misleading claims or failed to report that:
"(1 ) Cyberpunk 2077 was virtually unplayable on current-generation Xbox and PlayStation consoles due to a large number of bugs; (2) as a result, Sony removed Cyberpunk 2077 from the PlayStation Store and Sony, Microsoft and CD Projekt were forced to offer full refunds for the game; (3) as a result, CD Projekt suffered reputational and economic damage and (4) as a result, the allegations made by the accused about the business, operations and forecasts were materially false and misleading and / or lacking reasonable grounds in any case ".| Obviously this is only the beginning and we will have toa> see if there will be actual bases to continue or not, but it is a consequence feared already from the first problems that emerged with the game.
In the meantime, Cyberpunk 2077 has still updated with patch 1.06, which also solves the save problem. We recently published the video interview with the Italian voice actors of V.