Cyberpunk 2077 and Refunds Denied: No Agreement Between CD Projekt RED and Sony / Microsoft

The clarification was also necessary because CD Projekt RED had invited, yesterday, dissatisfied users to ask for a refund, which led to to believe that there was some special agreement with Sony and Microsoft that allowed the reimbursement procedure in a simpler way, but this is not the case.
In practice, the reimbursement procedures remain the standard ones, that is extremely difficult to carry out regarding PS4 and Xbox One in case the games have been started and played already for a certain amount of time. In the latter case, the reimbursement procedure is provided only in the case of a full-blown defective product, but it seems that Sony in particular, on this front, wants to aim to see the course of Cyberpunk 2077 with the updates expected in the next period, therefore not intends to consider the game as a defective product.
"Although I have seen several articles speculating that there were special arrangements between us and Sony and Microsoft for refunds, this is not true," he explained again Michał Nowakowski of CD Projekt RED. "These procedures are the standard ones that have always existed, they were not offered specifically for our case. Anyone who has purchased a game on PlayStation Network and Microsoft Store can request a refund, but this can only be done within specific limits, usually linked to the time of purchase and use ".
"The procedure for our game is no different from that of any other game on the Sony and Microsoft stores", on this CD Projekt RED wanted to be extremely clear, seeing the wrong interpretations emerge online. So there is no specific refund agreement for Cyberpunk 2077, which explains why Sony denies refunds on PS4 and PS5, simply because the standard procedure is applied, according to which it is not at all easy to obtain them in case the game has already been started and played.
Probably, the fact that there are updates planned to arrive in the next period, gives Sony (and Microsoft, it is supposed) a reference to argue that Cyberpunk 2077 is not a game actually defective and therefore valid for reimbursement, despite the amount of bugs currently present, from the glitch that makes the penis come out of the pants to the one that turns car racing into a film by Boldi and De Sica, just to mention the two nicest ones seen so far.
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